Dinosaur Dracula!

New Features on Dino Drac!

Hi!  It’s been a while!

This post is to alert the RSS-only crowd that there are two new features up. Really long ones, too. When I’m rusty, I’m wordy.

First, Jimmy Hart gets gunked in the legendary Masters of the Universe Slime Pit, the only playset on record that transformed your favorite action heroes into slimy slaves.

Then, go read my rankings of all ten Friday the 13th movies, based on VHS box art alone. (And chime in with your own rankings. If current feedback is to be trusted, I was waaay off.)

I’m screwing my head back on and prepping for a more serious run at Dino Drac. “Serious” might not be the right word, but I’ve really missed doing this, and the longer I’m away from it, the less I feel like myself. I can’t get it past the tip of my tongue, but I know there was some comic book character who saw his vitality diminished the longer he strayed from his supernatural energy source. For me, this is something like that.  When my website stagnates, my vitality nosedives.

Think I’ll go find some stupid thing to write about. Have a good Saturday!

Actually, make your Saturday better by trying out my friend Brian’s new and totally free game, Scruffy3D, available for iPhones and iPads. I have neither, so I’ll have to trust the reviews and screenshots that the game worth your time. I’m nearly certain it is, since the screenshot I’m looking at features an evil frog in an astronaut suit.

Brian has been a longtime supporter of my endeavors, so please give his weirdo opus a whirl!

Vlog: Stretch Screamers “Oozers” Figure.

I reserve the right to cover Stretch Screamers again sometime. I love the things, and a ten minute video of me trying to open boxes just doesn’t go far enough to show how much.

If you don’t remember them, Stretch Screamers was a line of fantastic, stretchy monsters.  BIG ones. As the line grew more popular (or less popular, depending on your point of view), ToyQuest started making really, really weird spins on the originals, with all sorts of gruesome add-ons. Chiefly, there were Oozers, which were capable of spewing slime out of various orifices.

I much prefer the original versions, in part because they were elegantly simple, but mostly because one of them looked exactly like “Ghostface” from Scream.  Sadly, I have to get by on what’s on the shelves behind me, so Gunk the Oozer got the nod for tonight’s vid.

I included the commercial within the vlog, but it rendered all stupidly shaky. Perhaps God was punishing me for stealing someone’s YouTube video without providing due credit. Let’s pretend it was an artistic choice.

Lightning Gremlin Figure!

It’s been weeks since I’ve put anything of substance on Dinosaur Dracula, but man, I had a good reason. Working with some new folks on some new things, and it’s been a blast so far.

I love what I’m doing, but I haaaate the timing. I didn’t even get a whole month to enjoy the new site smell (mulberry) before I started treating Dino Drac like X-E.

Tonight, a small peace offering. A hunk of blue plastic shaped like a Gremlin.

Okay, hate to pull an aside in Minute One, but let’s go back to that.  “Gremlin.” When referring to the species and not the movie title, should it be capitalized?  It never looks right to me when it isn’t. (Which is strange, because “mogwai” seems fine without a big M.) Somebody tell me.

What you’re looking at up there is NECA’s incredible Lightning Gremlin figure, a Toys “R” Us exclusive that had me dusting off the Charleston right there in Aisle 17.

Sweet heaven, a Lightning Gremlin action figure.

Well, sort of. Read More…

Friday the 13th!

I’m not quite ready to come out of my cave, but you don’t get a chance to wish strangers on the Internet a happy Friday the 13th often.


Speaking of which, here’s a promo I worked on for EPIX’s all-day Friday the 13th marathon, which is happening as I type this:

Thanks to creative director JB and editor AM for spending way too much time making the movies seem friendly.

Also, notice the wacky signs? I shot those in the woods and have the bug bites to prove it.

This was just one of the many projects that turned me into such an awful webmaster over the last several weeks. I’m trying to remember how to run a website. I know it involved my camera and a lot of adjectives. Gonna spend tonight piecing together the rest. See you soon!