Purple Stuff: TV Theme Songs!

I think I got two hours sleep last night, so apologies in advance if I mindlessly segue into a diatribe about how rabbits are really elephants. It was all to bring you this thing in a timely fashion:


In this week’s Purple Stuff Podcast, me and Jay from The Sexy Armpit discuss a dozen of our favorite TV theme songs, covering everything from Growing Pains to Game of Thrones.

I must emphasize that these aren’t necessarily our twelve favorite TV themes — just a bunch that really rock!

Give us a listen by clicking the giant, ugly play button down below!


You can also download this week’s show by right-clicking here.

Thanks as always for listening — we love seeing the Purple Stuff grow! Feel free to talk about some of your favorite TV themes in the comments, too.

(We’ll probably revisit this topic on a future episode… there are just too many great themes to cover in one show!)

Oh, and spoiler: This is one of my picks. The Transformers theme, but specifically the one they started using in Season 3. I love it so much. It makes me want to lift weights and wear Doc Martens.

Enjoy the latest ep!

PS: If you missed the super huge news last week, Ecto Cooler is back!