Dino Drac After Dark


I uh… I completely lost track of time. And now it’s midnight. OOPS.

So let’s just do a survey tonight.

Say Dino Drac After Dark had its own jukebox.

…not a big stretch, because I’ve been secretly working on one for a few weeks now. (Stay tuned!)

Name a song that should be on it.

I was originally going to stick with moody themes, but I’m open to all sorts of ideas. Obviously, the songs shouldn’t be too loud, aggressive or “bright.” Think of a song or theme that’s just better after midnight and not at a deafening volume.

Who knows? The song you suggest may end up on the official DDAD jukebox, which should launch in a week or two!

The Last Episode of TMNT!

Weird fact about the classic TMNT animated series that many people (including me) often forget:

The show made it to TEN seasons, and the final season didn’t air until 1996!

Here’s the very last episode of the original series, Divide and Conquer.

(This will be my first time seeing it, so I can’t comment on its quality. I’m just insanely floored by the fact that this “fad toon” I latched onto in elementary school lasted until I was well into high school.)

Tonight’s survey:

Talk about your favorite and least favorite final episodes. All TV shows are fair game!

PS: Final episodes generally make me sad. Even when I’m binge-watching a show I’ve seen a zillion times, I typically skip the last one. I hate closure.

PPS: Dino Drac’s May Funpack is still on sale, but this is probably your last call!

Pokemon: The First Movie!

Here’s something different. It’s Pokemon: The First Movie!

The film hit U.S. theaters in November of ‘99, and it’s what made me a Pokemon fan. I had some cursory knowledge of the franchise thanks to my Pikachu-obsessed nieces and nephews, but I never paid much attention to it until this movie hit DVD.

See, back in 2000, I purchased a computer. I guess that would’ve been my second bought-by-me computer. In any event, it was my first computer with a DVD drive, and since I was well behind the curve with DVDs, that computer also doubled as my first DVD player.

Naturally, I rushed out to buy my first DVDs. Ended up at a Circuit City with an absolutely terrible selection. After an hour of frustrated browsing, I left two discs.

One was Run Lola Run, which was a pretty great movie, but not necessarily one that anyone needs to see twice. To this day, I don’t think I’ve ever played that DVD.

The second was Pokemon: The First Movie, bought as a lark just so I could see what all the fuss was about.

That silly film turned me into a pretty dedicated Pokemon fan.

Tonight’s survey:

Do you remember the first DVD you ever bought?

What was it, and what were the circumstances?

Share memories, in the comments!

PS: I’m posting this early because I might not be around tonight, and I don’t trust WordPress’s scheduled post feature to actually work.

Lazy Night w/ Tales from the Darkside.

I didn’t have much time to dig for a video tonight, so let’s keep things simple with another episode of Tales from the Darkside:

Here’s The False Prophet, a psychic-themed episode starring Ronee Blakley. (If Blakley’s name isn’t immediately recognizable, that’s Nancy’s mom from A Nightmare on Elm Street. Yes!)

Enjoy. It’s a weird one, but then, every episode of TFTD was weird.

PS: If you missed it, Dino Drac’s May Funpack is on sale now! It’ll only be around for a couple of days, so act quick if you want in!