Five Random Action Figures, Part 28!
Dino Drac turned four this week. Can’t believe how fast the time went! I started the site thinking it would either be my second chance or my flat-noted swan song, and I’m proud to say that Dino Drac lasting for four years points to the former.
Hope you’ll stick around for another four! Let’s grow crazy stupid old together.
To celebrate the site’s anniversary, I thought I’d dip back into its most dependable feature. Here’s the latest edition of Five Random Action Figures, starring wrestlers, bounty hunters and supernatural garbage bugs. Enjoy.
Masters of the Universe (1985)
Grizzlor was easily among the top ten Masters of the Universe figures, looking like a cross between a Tribble and a Crite. Serving as a sasquatchian foot soldier, Grizzlor was the Beast Man to Hordak’s Skeletor.
While more or less a bit player in the cartoons, Grizzlor’s action figure was too uniquely monstrous for any kid to be passive about. If we’re not counting Moss Man’s astroturf skin, Grizzlor was the only figure in the whole collection that utilized lifelike fur, which made buying him feel like buying a pet rat.
(For most kids, pet rat > action figure, but only by a little. With those powers combined, Grizzlor was hot shit.)
Interestingly, Grizzlor debuted at roughly the same time as Masters of the Universe Slime, and was actually singled out by Mattel as the one of the few figures to never trap in the Slime Pit. So of course, many of us did. You’ve heard of the Red Button theory? Its final form is the Slime Grizzlor theory.
PS: Yeah, I know. Those aren’t Grizzlor’s arms. Read More…
Purple Stuff: The Ecto Cooler Adventure.
The holiday weekend was an unending fiasco. Memorial Day marked the official return of Hi-C Ecto Cooler, and even though I’d already scored a few press samples, I needed to experience it the real way. I needed the personal shopping experience. (Also, I just wanted more goddamned Ecto Cooler.)
Unfortunately, we fans perhaps took that “May 30th” street date a little too much to heart. Seemed like everyone assumed that Ecto Cooler would just magically appear in every store at midnight, when the reality was much, much harsher: Even a day later, Ecto Cooler is still tough to find in stores, and even impossible to find depending on your location.
But we didn’t know that right away. In fact, me and Jay from The Sexy Armpit embarked on a ridiculous Ecto Cooler hunt that began last Friday, and continued for practically two days straight. Our story has a happy ending, but for a while there, it was looking pretty rocky.
We decided to record our memories while they were still fresh, so hooray, you’re getting a special bonus episode of The Purple Stuff Podcast. It’s really something we wanted to record for ourselves, but I dunno, maybe you’ll enjoy listening to two guys reminisce about the night they spent hopping from one 24 hour ShopRite to another, in the middle of a giant thunderstorm.
Give us a listen by clicking the giant play button down below!
You can also download this week’s episode by right-clicking here.
I’ll let the cat out of the bag early: Yes, we did find Ecto Cooler. While the Hi-C juice boxes haven’t hit any stores within reasonable driving distance just yet, we found one Cinemark movie theater that had the cans, and decided to drive another 1.5 hours out of our way to find them. Was it worth it? Oh hell yes!
Reminder: The Purple Stuff Podcast can also be found on iTunes, Stitcher and Podbean. Read More…
Five Retro TV Commercials, Part 9!
Just like last time, everything in this edition of Five Retro TV Commercials comes from that tape full of 1991 Ninja Turtles cartoons.
(I’ll be putting that cassette to rest after this article, by the way. There are other commercials on it, but nothing you can’t live without seeing again. Except maybe the one where MC Hammer shilled his official doll. Since the doll was made in the precise same scale as Barbie, the crossover possibilities were pretty Kodak-worthy.)
Sprinkled Chips Ahoy! (1991)
Sure, I’ve already written a whole tribute to Sprinkled Chips Ahoy, but now you can see it with that gravel-voiced TMNT bumper as the lead-in. IMO, that’s the only way to see it!
The commercial confirms that Sprinkled Chips Ahoy debuted in 1991, when style guides were still stuck in that weird limbo between ‘80s neon and ‘90s graffiti.
Adding everyday sprinkles to Chips Ahoy cookies was hardly worth so much fuss, but at the same time, I never would’ve bothered with them without that fuss. Mountains were made out of molehills, and I spent the early ‘90s refusing to eat cookies that didn’t look like they’d been infested by rainbow bugs.
(Well, maybe not refusing, but definitely not preferring.) Read More…
Purple Stuff: TV Theme Songs!
I think I got two hours sleep last night, so apologies in advance if I mindlessly segue into a diatribe about how rabbits are really elephants. It was all to bring you this thing in a timely fashion:
In this week’s Purple Stuff Podcast, me and Jay from The Sexy Armpit discuss a dozen of our favorite TV theme songs, covering everything from Growing Pains to Game of Thrones.
I must emphasize that these aren’t necessarily our twelve favorite TV themes — just a bunch that really rock!
Give us a listen by clicking the giant, ugly play button down below!
You can also download this week’s show by right-clicking here.
Thanks as always for listening — we love seeing the Purple Stuff grow! Feel free to talk about some of your favorite TV themes in the comments, too.
(We’ll probably revisit this topic on a future episode… there are just too many great themes to cover in one show!) Read More…