Returning to the Best 99 Cent Store Ever!
We spent Sunday in Atlantic City, taking advantage of a free room offer from The Borgata. Sometimes you just crave a hotel bed, y’know?
The cold, windy weather left the boardwalk pretty empty, but I wasn’t about to miss out on crane games and Atlantic City’s infamous souvenir shops.
Along the way, we found ourselves back inside The Best 99 Cent Store Ever, which many of you should remember from this 2014 article. More than two years later, I’m happy to report that the store still deserves that title. Read More…
Dino Drac’s April 2016 Funpack is here!
I guess Saturday night is a stupid time for a product launch, but whatever, I’ll live. Dino Drac’s April 2016 Funpack is here!
You all know the drill by now, right? I sell monthly Funpacks. Without them, there’d be no Dino Drac. Subscriptions cost $25 a month (including shipping), and you can cancel at any time without penalty.
For as long as you stay subscribed, you’ll keep getting Funpacks… and you’ll also help keep the site loaded with silly articles about toys and junk food! A win/win?
The April 2016 Funpack might be the strangest yet. At the very least, it’s the most eclectic! Each box is stuffed with over thirteen wildly different items — most vintage, some new, all fabulous.
Skip to the bottom of this post for info on how to start your subscription, or keep reading to see all of this month’s goodies! Read More…
Five Retro TV Commercials, Part 5!
Today: Another batch of retro TV commercials!
Like the five featured last time, these were all pulled from Batman: The Animated Series episodes that aired back in ‘93. For maximum effect, picture eight minutes’ worth of oddly touching Clayface moments between each one.
Terminator 2 Action Figures! (1993)
Since I’ve expressed my fondness for Kenner’s Terminator 2 line many times before, I’ll instead seize the opportunity to champion this particular commercial’s production values.
For one thing, they built a whole goddamn city to display the toys within. It looks like someone recreated Darkman out of model train paraphernalia.
While I don’t doubt that the set was simply repurposed from some older toy commercial, Kenner was terrific when it came to this stuff. Hell, even back in the vintage Star Wars days, they always made sure to put their Hoth vehicles over fake snow, and their Endor vehicles over piles of leaves.
And then there’s the script. I love hearing toy commercial kids narrate their adventures, but it’s especially endearing when one of them tries to do an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression.
To me, this is the best way to promote action figures. Show us what they can do, but stick ‘em in an environment that makes us forget the sad reality of our own off-brand carpets. Read More…
Doritos 3D’s STILL EXIST.
Get ready to have your minds blown: Doritos 3D’s still exist.
No, I’m not talking about those Jacked 3D things. I mean the really real deal versions. The ones that look like pregnant Bugles.
But hold on. There’s a catch. To the best of my knowledge, Doritos 3D’s are only being produced in Mexico. Home of the foghorn.
Fortunately, a small pool of southwestern eBay sellers caught wind of the nostalgia, and now regularly import them. They’re selling them at a premium, of course, but nothing terribly major. (The snack sized bags are around three bucks each on eBay. That’s a lot for chips, but still way cheaper than trips to Mexico.) Read More…