Dinosaur Dracula!

Purple Stuff Podcast: The Chocolate Show!

Well, continuing our tradition of just barely making our self-imposed deadlines, here’s the latest Purple Stuff Podcast, with like ten seconds left in the month!

We’re gonna make you SO hungry.

It’s the Purple Stuff’s CHOCOLATE SHOW, a sprawling tribute to all things chocolate, past and present! Join me and Jay from Sludge Central for a delicious dive into everything from Striped Chips Ahoy to Superman Hot Cocoa.

Click here to listen to this month’s show!

You can also find the new episode on Spotify, or Apple or wherever else you listen to podcasts.

Below are supplemental links if you wanna learn more about the eight tasty snacks we’ll be discussing:

1. Striped Chips Ahoy!
2. SnackWell’s Fat Free Treats!
3. E.T. Cereal!
4. Little Debbie Brownies!
5. Blue M&M’s!
6. Nestle’s Nuclear Bar!
7. Hostess Grizzly Chomps!
8. Superman Hot Cocoa!

Enjoy! As a reminder, the Purple Stuff Podcast is also on Patreon, where you can grab an exclusive bonus show every month. February’s bonus is already live, if you wanna listen to us gab about the best Crypt Keeper collectibles currently on eBay. Join now and you’ll also get access to ALL of our prior bonus shows!

Thanks so much for listening, and for sharing the show around! Name some of your favorite chocolate treats – discontinued or not – in the comments!

Dino Drac’s February Funpack is here!

Okay gang, Dino Drac’s 2022 February Funpack is here! I’ll warn you that I’m on four hours of sleep, and may not have enough left in the tank for snappy item descriptions. If my copy seems weak, just focus on the pretty pictures.


We have a theme! The February 2022 Funpack is meant to spark memories of the after-school afternoons of your youth — the cartoons, the snacks, the toys and the vibe. It’s a box loaded with everything from Corn Nuts to plastic rats, dammit, and for $25 shipped, it can be yours!

Ongoing subscriptions are maxed out, but I do have a number of spares that I can sell on an individual basis. Scroll down to order one, or keep reading to learn about everything in this month’s Funpack! Read More…

Commercials from a 1993 Broadcast of The Exorcist!

Well, in keeping with my long-standing tradition of dropping big content at the worst possible time, here’s a 16-minute video on Super Bowl Sunday!

Watch it on YouTube!

This one is very special to me. Today we’re gonna dive into a 1993 network television broadcast of The Exorcist, and pluck out five of the best TV commercials that aired during it. Everything from Triples Cereal to Boku!

Bonus points: This aired on *WPIX*, and it’s in fact how I first saw The Exorcist, way back in ‘93!

Really hope you guys dig this one, since I plan to do more videos like this in the future. Come for the scary demon child, stay for the shoutout to Betty Crocker’s FunDaMiddles!

If you get a chance to pass the video around, I’d appreciate it! If you can’t squeeze me into your big football day, remember to watch it later!

Purple Stuff Podcast: The Burger King Show!

It’s the first Purple Stuff Podcast of 2022! We wanted to kick off the new year with something big, so here ya go — a whole freakin’ hour of Burger King nostalgia!

All hail the king!

Me and Jay from Sludge Central are ready to assault your ears with SO MUCH BURGER KING STUFF, ranging from old promo toys to discontinued menu items and more. We’re aiming to make this the first of several chain-specific shows, so if you dig the vibe, let us know!

Click here to listen to this month’s show!

We’re tackling eight wildly different subjects in this one, all married together by flame-broiled beef patties. Stop reading here if you don’t want spoilers, but down below are supplemental links to help you learn more about the stuff we’ll be discussing!

1) BK’s Ninja Turtles promotion from 1990!
2) The wild characters of The Burger Kingdom!
3) Burger Bundles, and other lost foodstuffs!
4) BK’s famous Star Wars glasses!
5) BK’s Simpsons dolls promotion from 1990!
6) BK’s Tricky Treaters figures from 1989!
7) The insane “Choose the Ooze” campaign from 2001!
8) Knickerbocker’s Magical Burger King Doll!

Thanks so much for listening, and for sharing the show around!

As a reminder, The Purple Stuff Podcast is also on Patreon, where you can grab an exclusive bonus show each and every month. January’s will be dropping over the weekend, but if you sign up now, you’ll also receive access to all of our prior bonuses!

Feel free to drop some of your own random Burger King memories, in the comments!