The Purple Stuff Podcast goes to THE MALL!

The Purple Stuff Podcast is back, and we’re ready to drop a show that’s been on our to-do list for years. Folks, it’s time to go to THE MALL!

…but not just ANY mall. We’re visiting a special magical mall that grants us access to ANY store from ANY mall from ANY point in time. Oh, the memories!

Join us as we visit Kay-Bee Toys, Waldenbooks, Sam Goody, Spencer Gifts and more. We even drop by the food court! Me and Jay from Sludge Central had an absolute blast reminiscing about our favorite mall stores, and we know this episode’s gonna spark a lot of memories for you guys, too!

Click here to listen to this week’s show!

As a reminder, we’re also on Patreon, where you can grab an exclusive bonus show each and every month. (This month, we pored over eBay to find the best and weirdest Ninja Turtles items on the auction block.)

Thanks so much for listening, for giving us solid reviews, and for sharing the show around! Enjoy!