Dino Drac After Dark

Scary Saturday Double Feature!

Well, it doesn’t look like the world’s gotten any less frightening since my last update — so let’s distract ourselves with the good kind of scary!

Here are a couple of horror movies that YouTube is now running free of charge:


Unfortunately YT seems to block embedding on these, so just click the text titles above to watch ’em!

Child’s Play is an old favorite of mine, of course, though I’ve admittedly never seen Poltergeist II. Actually, I know so little about Poltergeist II that I can’t help being curious. Usually I’m at least aware of one or two iconic shots/scenes from big name horror movies, but I’ve got zilch on that one. Is it any good?

Hope the movies come in handy for ya tonight!

10 Minutes of Horror TV Commercials!

Got some requests for a new thread, and given what’s going on in the world, I figured we could all use the distraction.

I hope you’re all managing to stay safe, and that this isn’t affecting your livelihoods too much. I honestly can’t think of a comparable situation that’s happened during my lifetime. Even as I write this, we just got word that NYC is starting a mandatory ban on everything from movie theaters to restaurants. The abundance of caution is going to have devastating effects for many, but when you look at what might happen if we’re not exceedingly cautious, it’s a very small price to pay.

As for Dino Drac, this whole point of this site is to be an escape from your troubles. I’ll keep writing and we’ll keep podcasting and yadda yadda yadda, and I hope it won’t come off as tone-deaf. We’re all in the same boat right now, but I know my role is to distract y’all from whatever ails you.

On that note…

I put together this compilation of old school horror-themed TV commercials. It’s ten minutes long, and there are some knockout spots in the mix. Most of them haven’t been featured on Dino Drac yet, though you’ll see a few of them again during the next Halloween Countdown.

Whenever I make a compilation for YouTube, I try to maintain the traits of my favorite comps from other uploaders: Consistent aspect ratio and relatively consistent audio levels. The hope is that you can just let this baby play without needing to constantly fiddle with the volume. 🙂

Anyway, this doubles as a free-for-all thread. Talk about whatever. I ain’t gonna tell you not to to discuss the thing that everyone’s talking about, but you definitely shouldn’t feel bad if you just want to gab about toys, movies or junk food — that’s what this place is for, after all.

The Christmas Thread, 2019!

Okay, yeah, I’ve been super absent from After Dark. I’ll work on that after the holidays. For now, consider this your all-purpose holiday thread!

Talk about your celebrations, activities, presents, foods, whatever!


2019 Thanksgiving Thread!

Happy Thanksgiving, all! Here’s a thread if ya need it! Talk about your celebrations in the comments!

Also, here’s a quick little playlist of random stuff that seemed appropriate for TG. All of it comes from yours truly. Enjoy!