Dinosaur Dracula!

The 2017 General Mills Monster Cereals!

I FOUND THEM. Had to drive to the freakin’ Bronx in nonstop traffic on a Friday night, BUT I FOUND THEM.

Behold, the 2017 General Mills Monster Cereals!

After last year’s misfire with that whole “election” theme, I’d call this a return to form.

Some folks wanted General Mills to aim high with a new character or at least the return of Fruity Yummy Mummy, but given the iffy reception to last year’s theme, I think going back to basics was the smartest move.

Though the cereals have apparently shipped everywhere, I’ve only heard of one store — the store I found these at — actually putting them on shelves already. Heck, as of this writing, General Mills still hasn’t formally introduced them!

All three boxes have updated art, and I’m *fairly* sure that each box comes with a larger-than-usual assortment of marshmallow shapes. (…which would explain why General Mills made such a fuss about those “monster marshmallows” on the artwork.)

Here’s the breakdown: Read More…

The Hunt for Halloween Candles.

Surprise! We’re already finished with the next Purple Stuff episode!

Well, minisode, at least.

We wanted to try a little experiment. Me and Jay have like a hundred adventures every Halloween season, but very few of them merit the “complete” Purple Stuff treatment.

Instead of trying to stretch 20-30 minutes’ worth of stories into hourlong shows, we’re gonna work in a bunch of “minisodes” this season, which will cover everything from our spooky shopping excursions to whatever random horror movies we end up seeing.

Listen to our first minisode by clicking the giant, ugly play button down below!

…or you can download it directly by right-clicking here.

In this minisode, we tell you all about last night’s completely unsuccessful hunt for this year’s Monster Cereals, and how that led us to chase down some delicious Halloween candles instead.

As we touch upon in the show, nights like that help make the Halloween season special. (Yes, even when it’s still the frickin’ first week of August.)

Here are a few photos that will make more sense once you’ve heard the show: Read More…

12 Cool Cars From All Walks of Pop Culture!

Hi! I’m back from a too-long break. (Sorry about that!)

The good news is that I used some of that time to prepare for something wildly important. The other good news is that me and Jay are finally ready to unveil the newest episode of The Purple Stuff Podcast!

This week, we’re covering 12 cool cars from all walks of pop culture!

To keep things interesting, we decided to skip the easy ones. (My apologies to the Ecto-1.) Instead, we’re focusing on cars that are undeniably awesome yet maybe don’t get quite as much internet love as they should.

The episode tackles everything from the Spaceballs Winnebago to the Turbo Interceptor from The Wraith. Give us a listen by clicking the giant, ugly play button down below!

You can also download this week’s episode by right-clicking here.

Thanks as always for listening to the show and sharing it around. This’ll probably be our last episode before the Halloween season starts, so get set for all kinds of ridiculously spooky nonsense. We’re looking forward to it!

Here are a bunch of videos that complement this week’s show: Read More…

Five Random Action Figures, Part 41!

Welcome to the latest edition of Five Random Action Figures. I hope you appreciate the seasonally-appropriate setting in these photos. You owe me 10 ounces of sweat and 12 ounces of bug spray.

King Sphinx
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993)

King Sphinx is an interesting cat. If you’re like me and you only casually followed Power Rangers, you might’ve assumed that he was a major recurring villain during the first few seasons. In fact, not counting happenstance cameos, King Sphinx only appeared on the “proper” series once!

So, why do we have such strong memories of King Sphinx? As it turns out, he also appeared in the initially-unaired pilot episode, which was later released as The Lost Episode.

Since that pilot served as the inspiration for so many different MMPR-related products, King Sphinx turned up on everything from window clings to storybook covers. For that first year or so, he was on as much stuff as Goldar.

Speaking of Goldar, King Sphinx kinda looks like his final evolution. Or like King Tut mixed with a Terror Dog. I’m cool with either. Read More…