Dinosaur Dracula!

Dino Drac’s Eerie August Funpack is here!

The time has come! Introducing Dino Drac’s Eerie August Funpack, the first of three all-spooky Funpacks in celebration of the 2022 Halloween season!

I’m now entering my eighth year (!!!) doing these Funpacks, and the trio of Halloween boxes have always been the most popular. On that note, subscriptions are currently closed, but I do have a fair number of spares to sell on a one-time basis.

Scroll to the bottom for ordering info, and be quick about it, because once these are gone, they’re really gone!

We’re not easing into the season this year, no sir. The Eerie August Funpack is actually more of an Eerie August Funsack, with everything stuffed into one of these swank fabric jack-o’-lantern bags. What’s inside? Keep reading to find out! Read More…

Creepshow 2 WPIX Broadcast from 1990!

With minutes left in the month, we’re technically NOT LATE with this month’s episode of The Purple Stuff Podcast! In our defense, this one is best served at night!

Join me and Jay from Sludge Central as we dive deep into a 1990 WPIX broadcast of CREEPSHOW 2, with original TV commercials and all!

I feel like Creepshow 2 is one of those horror movies everyone loves, even if it’s kind of a rarely-mentioned love. In any event, *I* love it, and I love WPIX, so this was a marriage made in heaven. A hard-R horror movie right there on network television, barely edited, just waiting to assault my eleven-year-old senses!

Not only do we gab about the film, but we’re also plucking out our favorite television commercials that aired during the broadcast, featuring everything from Reebok Pumps to Mountain Dew.

Click here to listen to this month’s show!

You can also find the podcast on Spotify, Apple or any of the other usual haunts.

…and if you’d like to see the commercials we talk about, I put together this bonus video that includes all of ‘em, plus some other choice spots that aired during the broadcast:


As a reminder, the Purple Stuff Podcast is also on Patreon, where you can grab an exclusive bonus show every month. July’s is already there, if you wanna hear our preview of this year’s hottest Halloween junk food!

Thanks so much for your ears, and for sharing the show around. We hope you dig the new episode!

Dino Drac’s July Funpack is here!

Time for Dino Drac’s July Funpack — the last one before a trio of Halloween Funpacks, starting in August! Let’s get a little more juice out of summer, while we still can!


Here’s the deal. This month’s Funpack is already kinda/sorta sold out! I’m putting this up because the subscribers gotta see it regardless, but just know that I’m *really* low on extras — if I have any at all!

You can scroll to the bottom to try getting on the waitlist, or keep reading to learn about everything in this month’s box! Read More…

The Purple Stuff Podcast’s Summer Sleepover!

Just in the nick of time, we’re ready to assault your ears with this month’s Purple Stuff Podcast. It’s a good one!

When we were kids, one of the best things about summer vacation was THE SUMMER SLEEPOVER. That was when you and a friend became one-night roomies, and fended off sleep with a mix of munchies, movies and mayhem.

On the latest Purple Stuff Podcast, me and Jay from Sludge Central provide an hour-by-hour breakdown of what it was really like to have a summer sleepover, specifically in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. We’re really proud of this one. If you’re anywhere near our age, we know you’ll connect with it.

Click here to listen to this month’s show!

You can also find the new ep on Spotify, or Apple, or wherever else you listen to podcasts.

As a reminder, the Purple Stuff Podcast is also on Patreon, where you can grab an exclusive bonus show every month. June’s is already live, so if you wanna hear about the weirdest Slimer auctions currently on eBay, go sign up! Read More…