Dinosaur Dracula!

Pink Swimmingo Kool-Aid, from 1992!

Here’s me, trying “Pink Swimmingo” Kool-Aid from 1992. It’s one of the few “character flavors” I never got around to back on X-E. It’s pretty wonderful stuff!

Really wish Kool-Aid would start doing the custom flavor mascots again. I love the Kool-Aid Man as much as anyone, but he’s even better when you pair him with flamingos, dinosaurs and pink sharks.

Have a great Saturday. I’ll be spending it cleaning my office for the thousandth time. (Tore it apart to find the stupid Swimmingo.)

Dino Drac Funpacks For Sale!

Wellp, my most expensive site seasons are coming up, so it’s time to make some money from selling you total junk!

Introducing Dino Drac’s Cruel Summer Funpacks!

If you live in the U.S., they’re 25 bucks shipped, and come with everything you see here:

A smorgasbord of potentially-overpriced random ancient nonsense, sure to make the junkiest part of summer 5% less junky!

Ordering info is at the bottom of this page. If you’re not sold yet, let me have a cup of coffee and try to make this stuff sound interesting! Read More…

NECA’s “8-Bit Jason Voorhees” Figure!

If you follow me here or here, you’ve probably seen me flip over NECA’s SDCC exclusive “8-Bit Jason Voorhees” figure, based on his appearance in the old Nintendo game.

Fortunately for those who couldn’t/wouldn’t go to the convention, NECA also sold them online. Hooray, mine finally arrived! Watch me geek out under really bad lighting:

It’s a much cooler toy than I was able to put into words, because I’m me. Whether you’re a fan of Friday the 13th, action figures, things that glow in the dark or all three, it’s your duty to track one down, buy it, love it and never ever throw it away.

I’ve watched SDCC exclusives come and go for years, but this was the first time I had to have one. Friday the 13th isn’t often blessed with such quirky merchandise! NECA was inspired to make these after seeing a custom version made by a guy named Will Edwards. (Check out Freddy in Space for the scoop on that.) Will, if you’re out there — thanks for the amazing concept! There are a lot of happy campers out there, all because of you!

The figures were sold for $25 at Comic-Con and online, but I think you’ve missed the window if you wanted one for that price. eBay is your last resort, but I’d suggest waiting a bit, because the prices really are a tad nuts right now. (Just don’t wait too long!)

Now here’s a bunch of random photos! Read More…

The 10 best “Carnival Mirror Prizes” on eBay.

Here I am, ready to do my best with the blogger’s version of a dead man’s hand.

The situation: I have not slept. I don’t know how it happened. I was in bed in the dark and it was all very sleep-encouraging. Somehow, no sleeping occurred. Now I’m about to write an article with more than a day’s distance between me and my last slumber. Don’t bet on good jokes!

The situation, made a billion times worse: This post is about carnival mirror prizes. 99% of you have no idea what I even mean by that, and I’m in no position to explain it. We’re totally fucked here, and I haven’t even started.

I’ll do my best.

“Carnival mirrors prizes” are those square pieces of mirrored glass, blessed with images of our favorite cartoon, movie and beer commercial characters. Shoved inside crude cardboard frames, they were (and to some degree, still are) common prizes at carnivals and amusement parks. Like, if you hit the three pins off the Lazy Susan or whatever, you went home with a carnival mirror prize.

So, in the spirit of those Jaws and Shamu articles, I collected the ten best carnival mirror prizes currently on eBay.  That’s why the photos look so terrible. I done stoleded them. Read More…