Dinosaur Dracula!

The Mostly-Complete Dino Drac Archives.

You have some reading to do!

Below are most of the Dino Drac blog archives. Certain categories may be excluded to keep things tidier. If you notice any typos, pretend you didn’t.

  • Halloween Frosted Flakes, Yes!

    Now more than ever, junk food is the lifeblood of the Halloween season. It’s how people like me stay motivated for two months straight. I don’t mean the act of eating junk food, mind you. That’s cool and all, but I’m talking about hunting it. Every year brings a new batch of Hallow

  • Vending Machine Slime Capsules!

    What the hell happened to vending machine slime, anyway? Once the most ubiquitous vending machine prize outside of gumballs, it’s now been more than ten years since I last saw those gorgeous capsules of neon snot. And it’s not like I haven’t been looking. It’s hard to imagine tha

  • Vampire’s Secret Ice Pops!

    I’ve been waiting to write about these STUPID AWESOME POPSICLES for more than a decade. Sounds nuts, but LOOK AT THEM: I first heard of Good Humor’s Vampire’s Secret ice pops back in the early days of X-E, from readers who kinda sorta remembered them, but only with sketchy, impressi

  • Dino Drac’s 2016 Halloween Countdown!

    Welcome, foolish mortals. Dinosaur Dracula’s 2016 Halloween Countdown… BEGINS… NOW. (WATCH FULL-SIZED ON YOUTUBE!) Thank you for that, Larry and Leviathan. Whatever that was. This is my favorite time of year. People who aren’t Halloween addicts may look at us like we’re p

  • 12 Seriously Scary Movie Scenes!

    Me and Jay never expected The Purple Stuff Podcast to last for a full year, but here we are. When we decided to do this last summer, I just figured that it would be a “better than nothing” bonus deal to toss on the site on dead weekends. Instead, it waaay surpassed our expectations (th

  • Dino Drac’s August 2016 Funpack!

    If your heart says “Halloween” but your brain won’t let you fully commit in August, I have just the thing for you! Dino Drac’s August Funpack blends summer with autumn, and should give you just enough spooky fuel to get through this miserable month! (AVAILABLE IN THE UNITED STATES

  • The Halloween Countdown IS COMING.

    Dinosaur Dracula’s 2016 Halloween Countdown begins on Saturday, August 27th! I have such sights to show you! Just… not quite yet. 🙂 So, a warning: Most of August will be pretty light on the content front. Once the Countdown starts, I’m married to the site through the end of Decemb

  • Five Random Action Figures, Part 30!

    In this edition of Five Random Action Figures: A robot, a lion and a sentient chicken leg. It’s as if Baum toked extra before writing about Oz. R5-D4 Kenner’s Star Wars Collection (1978) R5-D4 was Uncle Owen’s first choice, and were it not for the droid blowing its motivator at

  • Opening a can of TMNT Pasta from 1991.

    I don’t know why I’m even bothering with an intro. You’re just gonna skip ahead to the rotten pasta. Hey, I don’t blame you. I’d do the same. Behold, a sealed can of Chef Boyardee’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pasta, from 1991. Well, a formerly sealed can… DUH NUH NUH NUH NU

  • Purple Stuff: All About 1988!

    There was a whole lot to love about 1988! Even more than just Oatmeal Swirlers. From Nintendo Cereal to Child’s Play, me and Jay from The Sexy Armpit are covering 1988’s greatest hits in the latest Purple Stuff Podcast. We dug pretty deep on this one, as evidenced by the whol

  • Videos of my Bedroom, from 1992.

    When I think about my place in the world during the early ‘90s — let’s say from the 5th through the 9th grade — I’m revolted but appreciative. Revolted, because those were tough, lonely years, when I was as goofy and awkward as I’ll hopefully ever be. Too alien to mesh

  • Dino Drac’s July 2016 Funpack!

    It’s hard to believe, but with the arrival of Dino Drac’s July Funpack, I’ve now been doing these for a full two years. WOW. I never expected that this would go on for so long, and I can’t thank all of my subscribers enough. You’ve kept Dino Drac afloat for far longer than its pr

  • Five Retro TV Commercials, Part 11!

    Welcome to the latest edition of Five Retro TV Commercials, starring me, my cat and a broken Mer-Man character bust. Us three. Sunkist Fun Fruits! (1980s) I was partial to Fruit Wrinkles, but there’s no denying that Sunkist’s Fun Fruits were THE fruit snacks of the ‘80s. Originally s

  • Ratty 1980s Plush Dolls.

    My collection of oddities includes many ratty dolls from the 1980s. Only a few are kept on permanent display; the rest live in bins and bags, too cute to throw away, but too filthy to waste shelves on. The five featured below have been trapped out of sight for years, to the point where I

  • Spider-Man loves Kool-Aid Man.

    My obsession with old Kool-Aid packets takes me to strange places. Like the back pages of Spider-Man comics from the late ‘90s. Thanks to a hot tip on Twitter (love you, Aaron and Skinslip), I learned that the July 1996 issue of The Amazing Spider-Man was hiding something awesome inside

  • Five Random Action Figures, Part 29!

    Welcome to the 29th (!!!) edition of Five Random Action Figures, posted during the busiest holiday weekend of the year. If you’re reading this between now and July 5th, congratulations, you are one of the lucky dozen to do so. Below: Five more action figures from the ‘80s and ‘90s. H

  • Newspaper Ads from 1993!

    I get the strangest care packages! My good pal Jerrod K. accurately predicted that I’d be so into this. A pile of Sunday newspaper ads from July 11th, 1993! They were all in gem mint condition, and though I suppose I could just ask, it’s more fun to simply wonder why he had a newspaper

  • Stay Puft Marshmallow Twinkies!

    Even with its 80 trailers and 500 TV spots, excitement for the Ghostbusters reboot is being fueled as much by junk food. From Ecto Cooler to misshapen marshmallows to Key Lime Slime Twinkies, I can only hope that I have half as much fun watching the movie as I’ve had eating it. …an

  • More Ancient Cereal Boxes!

    While tidying up my office, I came across a stash of old cereal boxes, sandwiched between far less interesting things. Below are five of them. (This is what we in the biz call a utilitarian intro.) Spider-Man Cereal! (1995) At least partially inspired by the 1994 cartoon, Ralston’s Spide

  • Summer Memories from the ’80s and ’90s!

    Summer is here! Sure, it’s only my third favorite season, and sure, it comes in dead last if we’re only talking about the weather, but still… yay! It’s a season full of roller coasters and yard sales and cotton candy and tiki mugs, so no matter how humid, sticky and bug-filled the