Dinosaur Dracula!

Dino Drac’s January Funpack is here!

The first Funpack of 2023 is here, along with one of my all-time favorite inclusions. We’re starting the year off strong and salty.

Dino Drac’s January 2023 Funpack has everything from McDonald’s magnets to Congo trading cards, and it can be yours for $25, shipped anywhere in the United States.

Monthly subscriptions are currently maxed out, but I have a solid amount of spares for the January box that I can sell on an individual basis. Once these are gone, they’re gone forever! Jump to the bottom for ordering info, or keep reading to learn about everything in this month’s box! Read More…

Dino Drac’s Daily Holiday Diary!

Welcome to Dino Drac’s Daily Holiday Diary! Check back for teensy little updates every day between now and Christmas!

Sunday, December 25th:

Merry Christmas! I just woke up from a food coma. As most of you know, Xmas Eve is the big one in my family, and Christmas Day is very low-key. I love it that way, actually. Gives me a chance to sit, settle and really feel the season in its final moments.

I didn’t have time to do more than a token entry yesterday, but yes, it was the usual insane Christmas Eve party. This one was long even by our standards, beginning at 5PM and going past 1AM. And yet it only felt half that long, because between the seventeen courses, the white elephant swap, a few heated rounds of Left-Right-Center and the rush to be the first one to grab coffee from that 46-cup brewer that takes forever to finish, there was never any downtime.

I had fun, and I scored some nice presents, too. Some of them are pictured above, including the Garbage Anthology and Neiman Marcus’s bootleg Dinosaur Dracula Xmas doll. And Mutagen Man, tho I admit that I bought that one for myself.

Today was spent lazily. I watched some of the Christmas Story marathon, lounged with the cats and drank nearly an entire 12-pack of Zero Sugar Peach Snapple. As I understand it, that’s how the first Christmas was celebrated, anyway.

It’s been a season of quiet ups and downs, but it ended on a high, like it usually does. I hope you all had a nice Christmas, or just a nice Sunday, depending on where you land. Also hope you’ve enjoyed Dino Drac’s Daily Holiday Diary, which I admit wasn’t meant to be a swing for the fences, but rather just a pleasant little holiday “extra” for y’all. (I do really like this format though, so you haven’t seen the last of it!)

We’re now entering that weird week between Christmas and New Year’s, but I think the calendar is on everyone’s side. Many people have off tomorrow, and then again the following Monday for New Year’s. I assume that a fair portion of you are grabbing next Friday, too. That’s ample time to work some figurative chilling in with all of the literal chilling. (Seriously guys, it’s f’n cold outside.)

For the last time this year: Merry Christmas! Feel free to share stories about how your weekend went, in the comments. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go chug caffeine and see if I remembered to buy Jello cups. Much love and well-wishes to you all!

PS: Would it be incredibly inappropriate to watch Deadly Friend tonight? I’m really in the mood for it. Read More…

Purple Stuff: A Very McDonald’s Christmas!

Just in the (saint) nick of time, the Purple Stuff Podcast is here with this year’s special Christmas episode. And I think it’s one of the best shows we’ve ever done!

Join me and Jay from Sludge Central for A Very Special McDonald’s Christmas, celebrating the best holiday-themed stuff Mickey D’s had to offer in the ‘80s and ‘90s.

We’re talking Happy Meals, TV commercials, special McNugget sauces – it’s all here, crammed into an hour-long show that you should definitely listen to while wrapping presents and eating fries.

Click here to listen to this month’s show!

You can also find it on Spotify, Apple or wherever else you listen to podcasts.

As a reminder, the Purple Stuff Podcast is also on Patreon, where you can grab an exclusive bonus show every month. December’s will be up after Christmas, but if you join now, there are dozens of past bonus shows to listen to while you wait!

If you wanna learn more about the stuff we’re covering on this episode, follow the links below!

1. Batman Returns Happy Meal!
2. Mattel’s Totally Toy Happy Meal!
3. Holiday Huggables Muppet Babies Dolls!
4. 1987 “Star Wish” Commercial!
5. Santa Claus: The Movie Promotions!
6. A Bug’s Life Special McNugget Sauce!
7. Insane McDonald’s Collector’s Plate!
8. McDonald’s Holiday Film Festival!

Thanks so much for listening to the new episode, and hell, for listening to all the episodes we’ve done in 2022. We look forward to spending another year with you! In the meantime, happy holidays, and we hope this McDonald’s show adds a little spice to your weekend Christmasing!

Dino Drac’s December Funpack is here!

Happy holidays! Good tidings, I bring. Good tidings and a box full of weird stuff.

Dino Drac’s December Funpack is here, and not a moment too soon! The post office is busy busy busy, and I want you all to have these before Christmas!

Here’s the scoop! Subscriptions are currently maxed out. I may have a limited number that I can sell on an individual basis when I complete my counts. Cost is $25 shipped. Scroll to the bottom for details, or keep reading to learn about everything in this month’s box! Read More…