Dinosaur Dracula!

Purple Stuff Podcast: The Burger King Show!

It’s the first Purple Stuff Podcast of 2022! We wanted to kick off the new year with something big, so here ya go — a whole freakin’ hour of Burger King nostalgia!

All hail the king!

Me and Jay from Sludge Central are ready to assault your ears with SO MUCH BURGER KING STUFF, ranging from old promo toys to discontinued menu items and more. We’re aiming to make this the first of several chain-specific shows, so if you dig the vibe, let us know!

Click here to listen to this month’s show!

We’re tackling eight wildly different subjects in this one, all married together by flame-broiled beef patties. Stop reading here if you don’t want spoilers, but down below are supplemental links to help you learn more about the stuff we’ll be discussing!

1) BK’s Ninja Turtles promotion from 1990!
2) The wild characters of The Burger Kingdom!
3) Burger Bundles, and other lost foodstuffs!
4) BK’s famous Star Wars glasses!
5) BK’s Simpsons dolls promotion from 1990!
6) BK’s Tricky Treaters figures from 1989!
7) The insane “Choose the Ooze” campaign from 2001!
8) Knickerbocker’s Magical Burger King Doll!

Thanks so much for listening, and for sharing the show around!

As a reminder, The Purple Stuff Podcast is also on Patreon, where you can grab an exclusive bonus show each and every month. January’s will be dropping over the weekend, but if you sign up now, you’ll also receive access to all of our prior bonuses!

Feel free to drop some of your own random Burger King memories, in the comments!

I Bought 100 Vintage Comic Books.

After a too-long break from YouTube, I finally have a new video for you!

Last weekend, I stopped by a teensy tiny comic book show in New Jersey. I only stayed for a few minutes, but that was enough to find a vendor who was offering 100 vintage comics for just 40 bucks. I went to this thing looking for exactly that kind of deal, so naturally, I partook!


In today’s video, I’ll tell you a bit about the show and my pickups… but this was all mainly an excuse to talk about some vintage comic book ads, featuring everything from Ninja Turtles Cereal to Fire in the Sky.

I usually cover old comic book ads in written form, but now that I’ve done it this way, I think there’s potential to make this an ongoing YouTube series. This particular video is pretty casual, but we’ll see what the reaction is. Maybe I’ll do this again sometime!

Enjoy, and thanks so much for watching!

Dino Drac’s January Funpack is here!

If you’ve been waiting for subscriptions to reopen for Dino Drac’s Funpacks, good news… they finally have! Spots are limited, but if you catch this post on the early side, you should be able to sneak in. And what better way to chase away those post-holiday blues than with a box of toys and snacks?!


Dino Drac’s January 2022 Funpack is a banger, if I do say so myself – a fine mix of heavy-hitting collectibles, newer novelties, killer candies and more, all packed to the brim in an indestructible box!

Y’all know the score by now. Subscriptions are $25 a month (including shipping), and for as long as you remain subscribed, you’ll keep getting Funpacks every month!

Scroll to the bottom for ordering info, or keep reading to learn about everything in this month’s box! Read More…

Ancient Holiday Appetizers, Part 9!

Guys, it’s time! Ancient Holiday Appetizers, Part 9! In this series, I dig through old cookbooks and recipe mags searching for edible Christmas treasure. Sometimes the dishes are best left in the past, but more often than not, they’re just as good now as they were back when every jacket came with Bo Jackson’s shoulder pads.

For Part 9, all of the recipes came from 1980s lifestyle magazines, like Women’s Day and Family Circle. This is one of my favorite Dino Drac to-dos, every year. Read on and take notes, because most of these dishes are sincerely worth trying!

Pepperoni Crescent Pinwheels! (1982)

SO GOOD. Using shredded mozzarella, sliced pepperoni and a tube of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, you construct these absurdly delicious things that look like sausage rolls but taste like calzones.

Think about how good those crescent rolls are on their own. So rich and buttery! Now picture them with salty pepperoni and gooey mozzarella baked in. My entire place stunk like a pizzeria mixed with the hot butter dispenser from a movie theater.

The recipe said to serve them with jarred pizza sauce, as a dip. If you do, this essentially becomes a deconstructed pizza. Given how easy they were to make, I can’t get over how good they taste, or how lavish they look. Like savory sticky buns.

SCORE: 10 out of 10. There is no way I won’t be making these again.

Kool-Aid Holiday Punch! (1981)

I grew up on a steady diet of holiday-themed sitcoms, where bowls of bright red punch were common props. I was obsessed with them. Those punches always looked like pure Kool-Aid, and in fact, they probably were just Kool-Aid.

(After all, why would set dressers spike 12-ingredient punches when plain old Kool-Aid looked exactly the same?)

Thus, I was thrilled to find an honest-to-goodness holiday punch recipe featuring Kool-Aid as the star ingredient. In this case, we’re mixing Tropical Punch Kool-Aid with grapefruit juice, cranberry juice and a bottle of club soda. The end result is a beautiful drink that straddles the line between red and pink. Looks like the stuff Skeletor popped out of in the post-credits scene from Masters of the Universe.

Interestingly, the Kool-Aid flavor becomes so muted under the fruit juices that you might not even be able to identify it. It’s deeply sweet with a citrus kick from the grapefruit, and like the best punches, it tastes more like “this and that” than any one particular thing.

SCORE: 10 out of 10. This recipe didn’t call for alcohol, but I can tell that it’d work with all sorts of liquor. Actually, it’s already such a medley of flavors that you could probably just dump various liquors into it with no rhyme or reason, and still end up with something tasty. I’m a fan! Read More…