Dino Drac’s May Funpack is here!
Dino Drac’s May Funpack is here, and it’s a hot one, stuffed with everything from cool toys to awesome snacks to a whole freakin’ book about Voltron. Your three primary interests, all in one box!
Subscriptions are currently closed, but I have a fair number of spares that I can sell on an individual basis. The cost is $25, shipped anywhere in the United States. Zip to the bottom for ordering info, or keep reading to learn about everything in this month’s box! Read More…
Purple Stuff: The Soda Show, Part II!
Almost four years later, and we’re finally ready to drop the sequel to one of the most popular Purple Stuff Podcast episodes ever. Get set for another eight great sodas… it’s THE SODA SHOW: PART II!
Me and Jay from Sludge Central didn’t hear of water until we were in our twenties. We grew up on fizzy drinks, and we’re very excited to share another batch of our favorites with you, from the ‘80s, ‘90s and early 2000s.
There are some real deep cuts in the mix, from Life Savers Soda to Not Quite Crystal Pepsi!
Click here to listen to this month’s show!
…which you can also find on Spotify, Apple, and wherever else you listen to podcasts.
The Purple Stuff Podcast is also on Patreon, where you can grab an additional bonus episode each and every month. When you join, you also get immediate access to our back catalog of over *sixty* bonus shows! Read More…
Dino Drac’s April Funpack is here!
Well, this month’s Funpack post is going up late, but here’s the good news: If you’re a subscriber, it’s already been shipped out!
For the rest of you, I’m afraid to say that spares are VERY limited this month. If you’d like to get on the list for one, please email me! (dinosaurdracula on gmail) The cost is $25, shipped to anywhere in the United States. First come, first serve!
The April 2024 Funpack is a knockout, in my opinion. Keep reading to learn about everything in this month’s box! Read More…
Purple Stuff Podcast: The Frankenstein Show!
We’re a few weeks late with this podcast, but what can you expect from an episode that’s 206 years in the making?
The latest Purple Stuff Podcast is all about FRANKENSTEIN. (Or more accurately Frankenstein’s Monster, if you’re the type who cares.)
The big man has provided so much entertainment over the years, in everything from movies to cartoons to toys to video games. For this special spooky episode, me and Jay from Sludge Central are naming eight great Frankensteins from all walks of pop culture, with some deep pulls that you definitely aren’t expecting. (Frankenstein: The College Years, anyone?)
Click here to listen to this month’s show!
…which you can also find on Spotify, Apple, and wherever else you listen to podcasts.
As a reminder, the Purple Stuff Podcast is also on Patreon, where you can grab exclusive bonus shows each and every month. Our latest is about vintage Beetlejuice collectibles, and April’s is still yet to come!
If you’d like to learn more about the Frankensteins we’re highlighting in this episode, follow the links below. (If you’d prefer to avoid spoilers, stop reading here!)
1) Playskool’s Big Frank!
2) 1994 Diet Coke Commercial!
3) Frankenstein Conquers The World!
4) Battle Trolls “Franken Troll” Figure!
5) Frankenstein’s Monster for the Atari!
6) Frankenstein: The College Years!
7) Transformers: Autobot Spike!
8) Dr. Frankenstein’s Disco Party!
Thanks so much for listening, and for sharing the show around! We hope you all dig the new episode. If we missed one of your favorite Frankensteins, drop a comment! (Of course, we’ve covered plenty of Franks in prior shows, too!)