Dino Drac’s Spooky September Funpack!
IT IS HERE, guys. Time to unveil the super spooky September Funpack!
I’m extremely happy with how this month’s box came out, and I think you will be, too. It’s the Halloween Countdown around these parts, so naturally, the September Funpack is 100% Halloween-themed, with around a dozen haunted/awesome items.
I’m sure you know the deal by now. Without these Funpacks, there’d be no Dino Drac. Your patronage is extra important at this time of year, when the site is at its busiest and most expensive. Subscriptions are $25 a month (including shipping), and for as long as you remain subscribed, you’ll keep getting boxes and old-and-new goodies every single month!
The September Funpacks have historically sold out quickly, and once these are gone, they’re gone forever. Act quick if ya want in!
Scroll to the bottom for ordering info, or keep reading to see EVERYTHING you’ll get in this month’s Funpack! Read More…
Purple Stuff tackles HALLOWEEN!
If the new Halloween film has reignited your passion for the franchise at large, we’ve got the perfect hour-killer for you:
In this brand new episode of The Purple Stuff Podcast, me and Jay from The Sexy Armpit are proud to present our MICHAEL MYERS MISHMASH — ten weird and awesome things that somehow tie into the Halloween franchise.
We’re not just talking about the movies, here. The show covers everything from toys to posters to books to video games. It’s pretty much a straight shot of deep cuts. Maybe you’ll learn something new!
This might end up being our biggest show of the season, so we hope you enjoy it!
Click here to hear the new episode!
You can also find The Purple Stuff Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and all of those other places that I can never be bothered to link. Look us up, and thanks as always for sharing the show around! Without you doing that, we’d never grow!
Oh, and if I might make a recommendation, tonight’s episode pairs wonderfully with a big pile of Halloween candy. Treat yourselves, guys. After all, we only get to be really happy for two months a year!
Halloween haunts the grave of Toys “R” Us!
Every Halloween season has that one thing that separates it from all other Halloween seasons. Something that makes it uniquely special, whether it’s a Fruity Yummy Mummy revival or a black-bunned Whopper.
This year, that “one thing” seems easy to identify. A new Halloween movie starring Jamie Lee Freakin’ Curtis is objectively unbeatable, and if anyone wants to call it this year’s special thing, I ain’t gonna argue.
But it isn’t my pick.
Nope, for me, the 2018 Halloween season will be forever remembered as the one when spooky stores took over the scattered corpses of Toys “R” Us. Yes, I think it’s that big.
This “movement” is mostly thanks to Spirit Halloween and Halloween City, though I’m sure it isn’t limited to those chains.
That Halloween pop-up shops would take root in shuttered Toys “R” Us stores was no surprise, but I don’t think any of us predicted the sheer volume. I’ve seen more photos of Spirit banners over faded Toys “R” Us signs than I can remember, and it’s barely the middle of September. Read More…
Drunk Driving “Skeletons” PSA from ’84!
Remember that absurdly frightening drunk driving PSA from the ‘80s? The one with the skeletons?
The 1984 TV spot was pretty famous in its time, partly for its use of Michael Jackson’s Beat It, but mostly because the PSA was so shocking in its execution.
After four friends agree to let the drunkest among them drive, the shit hits the fan. As soon as the driver puts his key in the ignition, all four instantly morph into skeletons. (The idea was that the very act of getting in a car with a drunk driver was tantamount to signing your own death warrant.)
I would’ve been around five years old when this PSA began airing, and it destroyed me. I’d eventually see public service announcements that were arguably edgier, but to this day, I don’t know if I’ve seen one that matched this spot’s eeriness.
Between the skeletons, the sound design and the fake fog, it had such an ‘80s horror movie vibe. (Course, back then, *I* didn’t know that. This vibe was new to me, and I sure as hell wasn’t ready to deal with it while watching cartoon reruns on WPIX.) Read More…