Dinosaur Dracula!

The Mostly-Complete Dino Drac Archives.

You have some reading to do!

Below are most of the Dino Drac blog archives. Certain categories may be excluded to keep things tidier. If you notice any typos, pretend you didn’t.

  • Five Cereal Boxes from Christmases Past!

    Below: Five cereal boxes from Christmases past. They’re all from my personal collection. I’ll thank you in advance for reading this, as it helps to justify why I have a personal collection of Christmassy cereal boxes. As always, you’re my silent enablers. My tongueless Iagos. Go

  • Classic Christmas Commercials, Volume 7!

    It’s time for another batch of Classic Christmas Commercials, featuring pizza and laundry detergent and Ronald McDonald. Three of these are from my collection; the remaining are from our pal Larry. May they fill your hearts with joy, and your brains with really old ad jingles. A Toys 

  • 2015’s Best Holiday Junk Food, Part 3!

    I’m back with another batch of this year’s hottest holiday junk food. If you missed the previous reasons to look like Santa, click here and here. Cracker Jack Holiday Sugar Cookie Popcorn! It took me over a month to find a bag, but it was worth the wait. I’m not a big Cracker Jack gu

  • Eight ’80s Xmas Specials You Might’ve Forgotten.

    When we think about “animated Christmas TV specials,” our minds drift to the likes of Charlie Brown, Frosty, Rudolph and yeah, even Garfield, because we’re never gonna let it go with that one. Of course, the wealth of Christmas cartoons runs so much deeper than that. In the early ‘

  • Dino Drac’s December 2015 Funpack!

    Hooray! It’s finally here! Dino Drac’s December 2015 Funpack is available now, and I think this one qualifies as a doozy! (Available in the United States only!) Do I need to do the spiel again? Okay! If you haven’t been watching the site too closely, I sell monthly Funpa

  • The 1983 Montgomery Ward Xmas Catalog!

    Hello! Tonight I’ll be tearing apart another old toy catalog for your enjoyment. This time, Montgomery Ward’s 1983 Christmas catalog is on the slab. We didn’t have Montgomery Ward stores around here, so my firsthand knowledge is limited to stray references in long-ended sitcoms. I wa

  • Five Fun Stocking Stuffer Ideas!

    I love Christmas stockings. The way they look, the way they feel, the way they get filled up with tiny toys. The way they let me hammer nails into studless walls that could support nothing heavier than a 14” sock. They’re 100% great. During my earliest years, this was the one classic C

  • The 1987 Broadcast of A Charlie Brown Xmas.

    Oh, man. My buddy donated another of his treasured childhood videocassettes, and this one was killer. Among other things, it included the full broadcasts of A Charlie Brown Christmas and How The Grinch Stole Christmas, which aired back to back on December 11th, 1987. Nostalgia’s been my

  • The Purple Stuff Podcast: Episode 16!

    After a special holiday delay, the latest episode of The Purple Stuff Podcast is finally ready! Me and Jay from The Sexy Armpit are both enormous Star Wars fans, and with The Force Awakens mere weeks from debuting, it seemed only fitting to do a Star Wars show. If you can’t stand Rod

  • The Mostly-Complete History of Ecto Cooler.

    Midway through Thanksgiving, the news broke: Coca-Cola has renewed its trademark for Ecto Cooler, signaling mass speculation that the ghoulish green beverage just might be returning as part of the Ghostbusters reboot push. This trademark renewal does not in of itself guarantee Ecto Cooler

  • Happy Thanksgiving, 2015!

    Happy Thanksgiving! (You know, if you celebrate it.) Consider this a hangout thread. In the comments, feel free to share stories about how you’ll be spending the holiday. Did you make any special dishes? Are you doomed for any twelve hour drives? Gonna watch a big ass inflatable Power Ra

  • Another Batch of Ancient Holiday Appetizers!

    Ah, it’s that time of year again! Time to make funky appetizers from the 1960s! As longtime readers know, I’m obsessed with old cookbooks. Specifically, cookbooks from that weird stretch of years when every other recipe called for unflavored gelatin. This obsession hits a fever pitch d

  • He-Man at the 1985 Macy’s Parade!

    Did you know that He-Man and She-Ra appeared at the 1985 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade? It’s true! And I’ll be showing you the proof! Just you wait! Masters of the Universe was on top of the world in 1985, so it made sense for He-Man to snag an appearance at the annual parade. Of c

  • 2015’s Best Holiday Junk Food, Part 2!

    Here's another batch of 2015's best holiday junk food, including Cheetos Sweetos, Snickers Trees and more good reasons to throw nutritional caution to the wind!

  • Classic Christmas Commercials, Volume 6!

    I think it’s safe to say that we’re in the holiday season now, right? Good. That means I can blather on about old Christmas commercials without those nagging doubts. Yes, it’s time for the glorious return of Classic Christmas Commercials, the series in which I celebrate batches of ol

  • Opening a pack of P.B. Crisps from 1993!

    Tonight I’m gonna open a pack of Planters P.B. Crisps from 1993. That’s the short version of the story, at least. Now the longer one must be told. Google around, and you’ll find a seemingly limitless number of pleas for Planters to bring them back. P.B. Crisps were an immediate succe

  • Another Toys “R” Us Treat Box from the ’90s!

    Remember when Toys “R” Us gave out adorable cardboard boxes filled with free samples? You should, because this marks the fourth time I’ve written about them. If you’re new, this old newspaper ad should bring you up to speed: That particular ad promoted what I believe was Toys “R

  • The Purple Stuff Podcast: Episode 15!

    Hello! It’s Saturday night! Purple Stuff Podcast time! In tonight’s episode, me and Jay from The Sexy Armpit discuss ten of our favorite (and not-so-favorite) childhood board games, from Fireball Island to Electronic Talking Battleship. You’ll notice that very few of our

  • 2015’s Best Holiday Junk Food, Part 1!

    The holiday season is here! If you don’t believe me, just stroll down the nearest junk food aisle. Everything either tastes like peppermint or is shaped like a bell. I love it. Below are five of my favorite holiday junk foods for the 2015 season. Or maybe they’re just the first five th

  • ’80s Xmas Ads from Woman’s Day.

    As confessed last year, I grew up loving the Christmas editions of Woman’s Day, which were collected by my mother and left to die in the same little-used cabinet that otherwise housed obsolete phone books and broken AC adapters. I’ll admit that this wasn’t something I bragged about a