Video: 1989 TV Broadcast of Amityville 3-D!

I’ve been sitting on a particularly great home-recorded VHS tape for a while now, waiting for the Halloween Countdown to get rollin’ so I could show you its holy/unholy contents. The day is finally here!


In my new vid, we’re diving into a network television broadcast of Amityville 3-D, recorded back in October of 1989. This aired on WWOR-TV in New York, which was probably the only broadcast network that would’ve fricked around with a movie like Amityville 3-D.

I’ll tell you a bit about the film, but this video is really just an excuse to talk about the great TV commercials that aired during it. We’ve got everything from Robert Stack’s Maaco commercial to a sultry 900 number, and maybe even some English Muffins.

I had a lot of fun with this one, and I hope it shows. “1989 TV broadcast of Amityville 3-D” isn’t exactly the easiest pitch to make, but give it a shot. If you’re into the kind of junk I cover, you’re gonna dig this.

Fun fact, or maybe a not-so-fun fact: I’ve been under the weather today, but I muscled through this fairly major edit to keep up my Friday night video release streak. So when you watch this, just know that I suffered for it! I suffered more than anyone should for a video about old Maaco commercials.

Hope you dig the vid, and have a spooky Saturday and Sunday! Remember to keep checking Dino Drac’s Daily Halloween Thing, too, because brother, it works weekends.