Dino Drac After Dark

Ho Ho Hot Holiday Thread, 2022!

Better late than never, here’s your Ho Ho Hot Holiday Thread for December 2022!

It’s been a strange year, right? I can’t quite put my finger on what’s going on, but like, if you discovered that you’d been living in some Matrix-like fake world for the last little while, would you be totally surprised?

The holidays can be a grounding force, so RN I am all about gingerbread candles, and Christmassy junk food runs, and scanning what’s left of my cable channels for any shows about cookie baking.

What I’m *not* about is checking the calendar, because even in an unfamiliar year, December’s keeping up its habit of flying by in what feels like three hours.

Have fun Christmasing in the comments! As background noise, here’s one of my old compilations of holiday commercials. Further background noise can be acquired from the Christmas Jukebox. Have a solid month! (I’ll be visiting the thread too, of course!)

Nostalgic November Thread!

I think you guys have been patient enough… time for a new thread! This is your NOSTALGIC NOVEMBER THREAD for the 2022 holiday season, which’ll run from now through the end of the month.

I just prettied up the main page with seasonal logos on both desktop and mobile. Nothing fancy, but it sure put me in the right mood. It’s been busy as hell lately, but new stuff will be hitting the site soon. In the meantime, use this thread to talk about your holiday season!

To really get you in the spirit, lemme dust off this 30-minute compilation of holiday-themed commercials from the ‘80s and ‘90s.

No matter how blah you are about the season this year, there’s no way that video won’t make you feel something. If it doesn’t, and we need to yank out the big guns, I should also note that Dino Drac’s Christmas Jukebox has been reactivated!

I’ll be popping in here and there. Have fun, and happy November!

Eerie October Thread!

Happy October, everyone! New month, new thread! This will be your After Dark hangout from now through Halloween. Hope you get some use out of it!

Oh, and here’s something I threw together for ya. Built a YouTube playlist with 75 different horror movies, Halloween specials, creepy cartoons, spooky sitcoms and other random, longish things.

If you’d prefer to see the whole playlist at once, it’s over here. Consider it your last line of defense against any late night October doldrums.

Enjoy your October! I’ll be popping in and out of the thread throughout the month. Love that After Dark still gets a little action even after all these years!

Spooky September Thread!

Well, if I’m ever gonna update this place, September 1st is the right time!

Welcome to the 2022 Halloween season! Here’s your new thread! Have fun using it to talk about horror movies, spooky candy, scented candles and, I don’t know, My Pet Monster?

I’ve run this one before, but if you need a little background noise, here’s a playlist with a metric ton of vintage Halloween & horror TV commercials, all from my personal collection. (And yep, I’ll be adding to that collection throughout the season!)

I’ll be hopping in the comments here and there. Love that this place still sees a little action. It’s like a dive bar that can’t afford to fix its windows, but still has just enough customers to keep the lights on. Happy Halloween in September!