Dinosaur Dracula!

The Mostly-Complete Dino Drac Archives.

You have some reading to do!

Below are most of the Dino Drac blog archives. Certain categories may be excluded to keep things tidier. If you notice any typos, pretend you didn’t.

  • Halloween on the Ancient Internet: Part 1!

    Welcome to the first edition of Halloween on the Ancient Internet! I spent way too many hours poring over the Internet Archive, searching for spooky gold. It was a huge reminder of how much the internet has evolved over the last 25 years. In the late ‘90s and very early 2000s, there was

  • Dino Drac’s Spicy Sweet Potato Fries!

    If you’re gonna survive the 2020 Halloween season, you’ll need to make your own fun. Many of the things we formerly relied on will be closed, or altered to the point of pointlessness. It’s a DIY-or-die situation. Here’s an idea: Cook spooky stuff! Buy one of those overpriced recipe

  • The 2020 Halloween Countdown BEGINS NOW!

    This year is garbage, so over the next two months, I’m gonna do my best to bring you several smiles and maybe some of those wax lips with the vampire teeth. They taste like the perfume version of bubble gum, have you noticed? What I’m saying is… Welcome to Dinosaur Dracula’s 20

  • The Halloween Countdown Returns on 8/29!

    Psst! We’re exactly one week away: Dino Drac’s 2020 Halloween Countdown begins Saturday, 8/29 at 9PM. It’s gonna be a strange season, but I’ll do my part to add some joy to it. Get set for all sorts of spooky things, from junk food to toys to old commercials and bey

  • Dino Drac’s Eerie August Funpack!

    I have good news and bad news! The good news is that I’m finally ready to show ya the Eerie August Funpack — the first of three Halloween-themed Funpacks for 2020! The bad news is… it’s already sold out. Subscriptions definitely are, though I may have a few spares left to sell

  • Purple Stuff Podcast: The Vampire Show.

    Time to get spooky on the Purple Stuff Podcast! From now through Halloween, all of our shows will have a haunted slant. This season is gonna need all the help it can get, and we’re excited to do our part — starting now! This week, me and Jay from Sludge Central finally pay tribute

  • Purple Stuff Podcast: The Soda Show!

    I rarely drink soda these days, but it will forever be one of my passions. Everything about soda fascinates me. How it looks! How it tastes! How it’s packaged! How it’s marketed! Every soda has a story to tell, whether it’s a top dog with a million dollar ad campaign, or a no-name br

  • Dino Drac’s July Funpack is here!

    Dino Drac’s July Funpack is here! If you’re currently a subscriber, here’s some great news: In addition to this month’s box, you’re also locked in for three full months of Halloween-themed Funpacks, starting in August! (And if you’re not a subscriber? Better act quick! There ar

  • Five Retro TV Commercials, Part 37!

    After I selected the ads for this edition of Five Retro TV Commercials, I worried that they were a little blah. Then I started writing about ‘em and realized, OH, shit, I’m actually super invested in every last one. Sometimes you don’t know how you feel about something until you’re

  • You must try Roasted Starburst!

    No, really, it’s a thing. Thousands have done it. I don’t know how I went so long without hearing about ROASTED STARBURST, but now that I have, there’s no going back. I will never eat another fruit chew without burning it first. I can’t claim credit for this tutorial. I followed th

  • Purple Stuff tackles Friday the 13th: The Series!

    Friday the 13th: The Series had long been a blind spot for me, but now that I’ve gotten better acquainted, I’m on my way to becoming a big fan. Mix The X-Files into The Conjuring universe, and add several dashes of Tales from the Darkside. That’s the vibe. You won’t even miss Jason

  • Dino Drac’s June Funpack is here!

    It sure doesn’t feel like it, but we’re about to enter the summer season. Kinda feels like it’ll be a wash in 2020, which was why I wanted to give this month’s Funpack a decidedly summery flavor. You may not be able to hit many arcades this year, but at least you’ll get this! U.S

  • Five Retro TV Commercials, Part 36!

    It’s a bit soon for another edition of Five Retro TV Commercials, but my brain is being pulled in a thousand directions (join the club, I know), and writing three paragraphs about thirty-second things is all I’m sure I can do reasonably well. In today’s batch: Ewoks, eggs and Unsolve

  • Five Retro TV Commercials, Part 35!

    I take pride in letting Dino Drac be a distraction from the real world, but to ignore the real world this week is beyond gross. Here’s a list of Black Lives Matter fundraisers that you should consider donating to. There are many orgs on that list that are purely humanitarian, and I’d l

  • Purple Stuff: Eight Great Sea Monsters!

    Every single one of you loves sea monsters. I do, too. Always have. Whether it’s a shark with a particular bloodlust or some giant leviathan with twisted sea horns and a big giant human feet, I’m all-in on every sea monster. Soooo, I’m happy to report that the latest Purple Stuff Pod

  • Dino Drac’s May Funpack is here!

    Dino Drac’s May Funpack has arrived, and if you’re lucky, you found out about it just in time to grab one! UNITED STATES ONLY! 2 DAYS ONLY! This month’s box is loaded with hardcore collectibles, stuff to keep you busy, shit to read, and of course, delicious junk food. I’m assuming

  • Five Retro TV Commercials, Part 34!

    It’s been nearly a full year since the last edition of Five Retro TV Commercials, which means little to you but for me is definitive proof that time moves faster when you’re an old rag. The good news is that I spent the downtime collecting more old TV commercials than I could ever reas

  • Teddy Grahams Peanut Brittle. Yup.

    There I was, paging through an old Nabisco cookbook, as one does when they’re on the 735th day of quarantine. When I spotted an entry for what Nabisco called Very Beary Peanut Brittle, I knew that everything was about to change, and change big. It was a common (if simplified) recipe for

  • Movie Theater Memories: Part 2!

    A short while back, I wrote about some of my experiences at movie theaters. The article got a good response, and I’m a slave to good responses. Let’s do it again. Below are five more stories about movies I saw in theaters. Like last time, they’re less about the actual films and more

  • Dino Drac’s April Funpack Has Arrived!

    A number of Funpack subscribers got in touch last month to let me know what a welcome distraction they were, and man did that make me feel good. To those of you “on the list,” I hope they let you break into an alternate reality where the only things that matter are junk food and