The Halloween season is a time for frights, yes, but it’s also a time for frivolities. At least, that’s what I need to say when I’m about to hock boxes of spooky nonsense. Available in the United States only! Dino Drac’s September Funpack is (finally) here! If you don’t know the
The Mostly-Complete Dino Drac Archives.
You have some reading to do!
Below are most of the Dino Drac blog archives. Certain categories may be excluded to keep things tidier. If you notice any typos, pretend you didn’t.
Dino Drac’s Spooky September Funpack!
5 Legit ’80s Toys Spotted in Child’s Play!
Remember the opening scene of 1988’s Child’s Play? Detective Mike Norris (Chris Sarandon) chases serial killer Charles Lee Ray (Brad Dourif) into a toy store. Nearing death, Ray uses a voodoo spell to transfer his soul into a doll, signaling the start of a cheeky slasher series that’
2017’s Best Halloween Junk Food, Part 1!
We judge each Halloween season on the strength of its junk food. That’s just how we roll. Lots of interesting new candies? Great season. Nothing worth taking pictures of in Target? Bad season. So how is 2017 looking so far? Pretty good! Sure, we don’t have the knockout punch of a Frute
Purple Stuff: Pumpkin Spice Donuts at Krispy Kreme!
Happy Friday! Here’s a new podcast to kick off the weekend. It’s about Halloween doughnuts! We know we’d promised a regular full-length episode this week, but we had to shift gears to make room for today’s once-a-year opportunity. For whatever reason, Krispy Kreme c
Classic Creepy Commercials, Volume 16!
The return of the Halloween Countdown means that I get to dust off one of my favorite recurring Dino Drac features: Classic Creepy Commercials! Since I’ve now covered well over 100 spooky commercials, the pickings are slim and I’ll need to get creative. So like, my apologies to those
Madd Matt returns with more Halloween garbage.
I wasn’t expecting to finish this tonight, but thank God I did, because the idea of having to sell a Madd Matt video early in the morning was making me sick. In MM’s second video for the 2017 Halloween season, he’s reviewing another bag of random Halloween junk. Seems lik
’80s and ’90s Halloween Photo Album!
We remember yesteryear’s Halloweens in dribs and drabs, and then we fill in the blanks with rosy idealizations. Generalities become specificities, and the line between “kinda happened” and “really happened” is blurry AF. It’s that way with all matters of nostalgia, so when I fi
Frosted Chocolate Fudge Halloween Pop-Tarts!
So let’s talk about Pop-Tarts. Let’s talk about Pop-Tarts for the whole day. New for the 2017 Halloween season, get a load of Frosted Chocolate Fudge Printed Fun Pop-Tarts! We get new fall-themed Pop-Tart flavors pretty regularly, but this is the first time in a long time that Kellogg
7-Eleven’s Ghost White Gummi Slurpee!
This article will be short and sweet. Extreme emphasis on the sweet. I dropped by 7-Eleven for an enormous cup of coffee, meant to be my fuel for an entirely different sort of article that I’d planned to write today. Suffice to say, my priorities have changed. BECAUSE LOOK AT THIS: The g
The Official Ghoulies II Music Video!
Y’all have seen Ghoulies II, right? No? WELL YOU SHOULD. Here’s the deal: The first Ghoulies film is admirably weird and totally worth watching, but most of the movie’s fame stems from its classic promo art, which featured a little green monster popping out of a toilet. Unfortunately
Purple Stuff: Escape from Castle Dracula!
Longtime readers know about my obsession with Castle Dracula, a famous dark ride that once graced the boardwalk in Wildwood, New Jersey. I’ve been to Wildwood several times since Castle Dracula burned down, and if I’m being honest, it just ain’t the same without it. New Purple Stuff
Old Halloween Newspaper Ads, #3!
Here’s another batch of super old Halloween-themed newspaper ads, and a reminder that I love super old Halloween-themed newspaper ads. It’s nostalgia without the blinders on. VHS Horror Movies! (McCrory’s, 1988 & 1990) Throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s, it was common practice
Raiding Alice’s Fridge from Friday the 13th Part 2!
During Friday the 13th Part 2’s cold open, Alice Hardy — the sole survivor from the first movie — was killed by Jason Voorhees. (Icepick to the temple, if you were wondering!) Perhaps more shocking than the way Alice croaked was what she saw just before it happened: See, Jaso
My Pet Monster, LIVE at Toys “R” Us!
As My Pet Monster fans know, the well doesn’t run very deep. There’s the classic doll, a couple of spinoffs, a short-lived cartoon and that weird live-action movie. Once you’ve absorbed those things, you’ve pretty much read the book. …which is why it’s my great privileg
Dinosaur Dracula’s 2017 Halloween Countdown!
There’s a scene in Hellraiser: Bloodline where these goofy twin brothers get twisted into one writhing Cenobite. For the next two months, that’s us. Welcome to Dinosaur Dracula’s 2017 Halloween Countdown. (WARNING: GORY! GO FULL-SCREEN ON YOUTUBE!) (You watched that, right? You’re
Purple Stuff: Spooky Shopping Excursion!
Get set for another Purple Stuff Podcast minisode! This time, me and Jay hit a couple of stores on the hunt for Halloween goodies. It didn’t work out quite as well as we’d hoped, but then, nothing does: What magically macabre wonders awaited us at Dollar General and Kmart? You&
Purple Stuff: Let’s go to the movies!
Seeing a new horror movie is always fun, but it’s way better when Halloween is in the air. (Yeah, I know it’s still early August, but Halloween is definitely in the air!) With that in mind, get ready for the second-ever Purple Stuff Podcast minisode! This time, me and Jay from
Dino Drac’s August Funpack: Ease Into Halloween!
It might not be the Halloween season just yet, but I bet you’re ready to pretend that it is. With this month’s Funpack, it’ll be a whole lot easier! Ease into the spooky season with Dino Drac’s August Funpack! Along with the usual bunch of retro bric-a-brac, this month’s Funpack
The 2017 General Mills Monster Cereals!
I FOUND THEM. Had to drive to the freakin’ Bronx in nonstop traffic on a Friday night, BUT I FOUND THEM. Behold, the 2017 General Mills Monster Cereals! After last year’s misfire with that whole “election” theme, I’d call this a return to form. Some folks wanted General Mills to
The Hunt for Halloween Candles.
Surprise! We’re already finished with the next Purple Stuff episode! Well, minisode, at least. We wanted to try a little experiment. Me and Jay have like a hundred adventures every Halloween season, but very few of them merit the “complete” Purple Stuff treatment. Instead of trying t