Dinosaur Dracula!

The Mostly-Complete Dino Drac Archives.

You have some reading to do!

Below are most of the Dino Drac blog archives. Certain categories may be excluded to keep things tidier. If you notice any typos, pretend you didn’t.

  • Dino Drac’s 2021 Halloween Countdown!

    The stink of pumpkin candles. The chillier air. The excuse to go to Target beyond needing cat food and Goodfellow-brand facemasks. Can you feel it, guys? The Halloween season IS HERE. …and so am I! Welcome to Dinosaur Dracula’s 2021 Halloween Countdown — a multi-month celebra

  • Halloween Junk Food History, Part I: 2003!

    Surprise! The start of September doubles as the totally undeniable start of the Halloween season, and I’m kicking it off in a big way. Today begins a four-part video series where I look back at some of the hottest Halloween junk foods from the early-to-mid 2000s! First up: Ten terrifying

  • The 1990 Horror Hall of Fame Awards!

    No matter what the calendars and thermometers say, we’re officially in the Halloween season. So, if you need somethin’ spooky to kick off your weekend, look no further than the Purple Stuff Podcast! We’ve got a big show for you this month. Me and Jay from Sludge Central dive deep int

  • Dino Drac’s Eerie August Funpack is here!

    It’s here, it’s here! The first of three Halloween-themed Funpacks for 2021! If you’re already on the subscriber list, good job, because you’re locked in for all of them! VERY LIMITED SUPPLY! U.S. ONLY! The Eerie August Funpack mixes random spooky collectibles with

  • Video Review: General Mills Monster Mash Cereal!

    Well, if there was anything that could get me back onto YouTube, it was this: Monster Mash cereal is HERE! After a several year stretch where the Monster Cereals were just kinda “there,” this is a big return to form for General Mills. To celebrate the Count and Frank’s 50th anniversa

  • Purple Stuff Podcast: Monster Cereals Tribute!

    This is a big year for the General Mills Monster Cereals, so we’re joining the celebration with a full episode dedicated to Count Chocula, Franken Berry and all of their pals. Hey, if GM can start the Halloween stuff in July, so can The Purple Stuff Podcast! Yep, it’s the Purple Stuff

  • Dino Drac’s July Funpack is here!

    I can hardly believe it, but this month marks the Funpacks’ seventh anniversary! Freakin’ WILD, guys. When I started doing this back in 2014, my initial plan was to only stick with it for a few months. Under no circumstances would I have ever believed that I’d still be at it seven ye

  • Purple Stuff Podcast: The FIRE Show!

    Since we can’t beat the heat, we’re joining it! The latest Purple Stuff Podcast is all about FIRE! Guys, this episode is HOT. Me and Jay from Sludge Central challenged ourselves to come up with eight great things that have something (anything) to do with FIRE. Guess this one doubles as

  • Dino Drac’s June Funpack is here!

    If you’re not already a Funpack subscriber, the bad news is that I don’t have space for any additional subscriptions at this time. The GOOD news, though, is that I have a solid amount of June 2021 Funpack spares that I can offer as one-time sales — so if you’re seeing this post

  • Purple Stuff Podcast: Snacks We Want Back!

    Memorial Day is a baaaad time to post, but it was either that or miss our self-imposed deadline, so… hope you can take time out from barbecuing to listen to a podcast? The Purple Stuff Podcast returns with a sequel to a very old episode, SNACKS WE WANT BACK! We’re naming ten more d

  • Dino Drac’s May Funpack is here!

    Okay guys, I’m still in the thick of it, but the Funpack show must go on — and I’ve got a very special item for you guys this month! Subscriptions are maxed out right now, but if anyone who isn’t a subscriber wants one of these, scroll to the bottom — I have a limited

  • Purple Stuff Podcast: The BLUE Show!

    Oh, hi! It’s been a while, but I come bearing gifts. Big blue gifts. On the latest Purple Stuff Podcast, me and Jay from Sludge Central name eight of our favorite BLUE THINGS, ranging from Casey the Robot to Garth’s cocktail. This is our long-requested return to color-themed shows, and

  • Dino Drac’s April Funpack is here!

    Okay guys, I’m ready to show ya the April Funpack, and good news: If you’ve been on the line waiting to subscribe, I finally have some slots open! LIMITED AVAILABILITY! UNITED STATES ONLY! This month’s Funpack is MUCH different from the norm. But in a good way, I think. Instead of th

  • The Purple Stuff Podcast goes to THE MALL!

    The Purple Stuff Podcast is back, and we’re ready to drop a show that’s been on our to-do list for years. Folks, it’s time to go to THE MALL! …but not just ANY mall. We’re visiting a special magical mall that grants us access to ANY store from ANY mall from ANY point in time.

  • Dino Drac’s March Funpack is here!

    Wellp, time to unleash Dino Drac’s March Funpack! Subscriptions are currently closed, but I do have a small amount that I can sell on an individual basis. Scroll to the bottom if you’re interested — but be warned, they will probably go quick! If you’re already locked in for thi

  • Five Retro TV Commercials, Part 39!

    In this edition of Five Retro TV Commercials, you’ll see everything from Simpsons dolls to candy bars to exactly eight seconds’ worth of a vampire cinephile. Just another Tuesday on Dino Drac. The Tortellis on NBC! (1987) Count me among the eight people who actually watched The Tor

  • Movie Theater Memories: Part 3!

    Welcome to the third edition of Movie Theater Memories, where I relive the experiences of seeing certain films at certain times in certain places. I remember every movie I’ve seen in theaters. Not just the films, but where I was, who I saw them with, what candy I ate, and all of those ti

  • Vintage Comic Book Ads, Volume 13!

    It’s been nearly three years since the last edition of Vintage Comic Book Ads. Odd, considering how much I love the subject. I’d say I’ve been busy, but I haven’t left the house since Underwater was in theaters. I’ve always been obsessed with comic ads, to the point where my main

  • Purple Stuff Podcast: Unsolved Mysteries!

    I can’t believe it’s taken us this long, but it’s finally time. The latest episode of the Purple Stuff Podcast pays tribute to UNSOLVED MYSTERIES! …meaning the classic TV series hosted by Robert Stack, of course. For me, this show was as important and soul-shaping as any other

  • Dino Drac’s February Funpack is here!

    If you’re already a Dino Drac Funpack subscriber, congratulations, you’re part of a currently maxed-out club! Subscriptions are closed for February’s Funpack, though I do have a few spare boxes that I can sell on an individual basis. (Scroll to the bottom if interested, and be quick!