Thanks to our successes at that one video store, me and Jay vowed to hit every other video store within driving distance. After all, these places aren’t going to be around forever. It’s a miracle they’re still around now. First on the list was The Video Shop in Belmar, New Jersey. On
Random Stuff
Another Old Video Store, Explored!
Goodbye, Old Video Store.
A little over a week ago, me and Jay visited what had been one of New Jersey’s last remaining movie rental shops. Located in the city of Brick, Bob’s Video Time was closing its doors after 27 years, finally conceding defeat to an increasingly digital market. And yeah, we did kinda go t
Dino Drac’s February 2017 Funpack!
Hooray! I’m finally ready to debut Dino Drac’s February 2017 Funpack! Took me long enough. (AVAILABLE IN THE UNITED STATES ONLY!) Obligatory spiel: I create and sell monthly Funpacks, stuffed with old and new nonsense. Without the profits from these boxes, I wouldn’t be able to run D
The Complete History of WCW’s Yeti.
Let’s talk about the Yeti. Even if you’ve never watched wrestling, you might’ve heard of him. (Maybe from me, come to think of it!) The Yeti is widely considered to be one of pro-wrestling’s worst-ever characters, and through an objective lens, I can’t disagree. He was a seven fo
TMNT Crunchabungas!
I am now the proud owner of a sealed bag of TMNT Crunchabungas. I’m not lying! Though the packages are dated 1990, research suggests that TMNT Pizza Crunchabungas didn’t hit stores until early ‘91. The snacks debuted at the very height of Turtlemania, when our green heroes were basic
My 1987 Birthday Party.
Today is my birthday. I’m super old. 900, basically. But it wasn’t always this way. On February 6th, 1987, I had a birthday party. A bunch of boys from my second grade class came over to do what boys do. One of them gave me Optimus Prime socks. That’s me, at the party. Back then, ki
5 Spooky Unsolved Mysteries Segments!
If you missed the news, Unsolved Mysteries is FINALLY available in its ORIGINAL form. The first season is now streaming on Amazon Prime, and it’s totally free if you’re a Prime member. As a huge fan of the series, I can’t overstate how big this is. Until now, seeing Unsolved Myster
Dino Drac’s January 2017 Funpack!
If you’ve got the post-holiday blues, I’m have the cure: A BOX OF AWESOME JUNK. ($25 / MONTH SUBSCRIPTION BOX. UNITED STATES ONLY.) Dino Drac’s January 2017 Funpack is here, and I’ll be straight with you… it’s an important one. This site is funded almost exclusively through
10 Old Comic Books & What They Mean To Me.
Over the weekend, me and Jay from The Sexy Armpit visited a little comic book show in Clifton, New Jersey. (We went to the same show last year, if you wanna see what little New Jersey comic shows actually look like.) We were both hunting the same thing: Cheap, unloved comic books. Several
11 Things I Loved About 2016.
Everyone knows the gag by now. 2016 wasn’t a year, but a malevolent entity sent to spread misery and pain to all mankind. It was just a silly meme people used to ease tensions after another shitty thing happened, but it’s just as true that 2016 really was a bumpy road, full of awful ne
Preparing for Christmas!
It’s Friday night. Only half the presents are wrapped, and only half the mushrooms are stuffed. As usual, I have a million things left to do before my family’s Christmas Eve party. Between now and then, I’ll be lucky if I get four hours sleep. I wouldn’t have it any other way. The
Christmas Eve, 1986.
Christmas Eve, 1986. That was the big one. My family’s biggest Christmas party ever, with a houseful of rarely seen aunts and uncles, kids under every table, well-wishing passersby, one dog and two ferrets. It was insane. One of my cousins filmed the highlights on our clunky Panasonic vi
Dino Drac’s November Funpack!
If you could use a pick-me-up this holiday season, gimme your money! (UNITED STATES ONLY. LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE!) Dino Drac’s November 2016 Funpack is available now! For the few newbies: I sell monthly Funpacks. Without them, there would be no Dino Drac! In return for your patrona
“Animation Wars,” from December of 1990.
In December of 1990, I borrowed my brother-in-law’s camcorder to film Animation Wars and Animation Wars: Part II. Now there’s an opener you didn’t expect. Watch ‘em both, down below: I was already dabbling with stop-motion shorts before then, but after learning that my brother-in-l
My ALF Halloween Costume Story.
I have a story for you. It’s pretty long, so sit down and for God’s sake close your other tabs. It’s about ALF. Gordon Motherfuckin’ Shumway. I haven’t written much about ALF on Dino Drac, but make no mistake, he was my main dude. ALF was my hero and my muse, and his TV show<
Watching Garfield Like It’s 1985.
My buddy Matt let me borrow some tapes that his family recorded back in the mid ‘80s, which is seriously the best thing anyone could let me borrow. Like holy shit. I need three external hard drives and cake. I’ve only begun to sort through the goodies, but I already found one of my un
The Ghostbusters Cereal Hologram Shirt!
Remember when Ghostbusters Cereal had those sweet holographic boxes? It wasn’t just Ghostbusters Cereal, either. By the end of the ‘80s, Ralston had blessed no less than four other brands with the same treatment: Nintendo Cereal System, Cookie Crisp, Dinersaurs (dinosaurs who operated
Dino Drac’s August 2016 Funpack!
If your heart says “Halloween” but your brain won’t let you fully commit in August, I have just the thing for you! Dino Drac’s August Funpack blends summer with autumn, and should give you just enough spooky fuel to get through this miserable month! (AVAILABLE IN THE UNITED STATES
The Halloween Countdown IS COMING.
Dinosaur Dracula’s 2016 Halloween Countdown begins on Saturday, August 27th! I have such sights to show you! Just… not quite yet. 🙂 So, a warning: Most of August will be pretty light on the content front. Once the Countdown starts, I’m married to the site through the end of Decemb
Videos of my Bedroom, from 1992.
When I think about my place in the world during the early ‘90s — let’s say from the 5th through the 9th grade — I’m revolted but appreciative. Revolted, because those were tough, lonely years, when I was as goofy and awkward as I’ll hopefully ever be. Too alien to mesh
Dino Drac’s July 2016 Funpack!
It’s hard to believe, but with the arrival of Dino Drac’s July Funpack, I’ve now been doing these for a full two years. WOW. I never expected that this would go on for so long, and I can’t thank all of my subscribers enough. You’ve kept Dino Drac afloat for far longer than its pr
Newspaper Ads from 1993!
I get the strangest care packages! My good pal Jerrod K. accurately predicted that I’d be so into this. A pile of Sunday newspaper ads from July 11th, 1993! They were all in gem mint condition, and though I suppose I could just ask, it’s more fun to simply wonder why he had a newspaper
Dino Drac’s June 2016 Funpack!
Running Dino Drac takes lots of time, money and blood sacrifices, so if you enjoy what I do here, the best way to keep it going is by subscribing to Dino Drac’s Funpacks. June’s looking like a good month to start! ($25 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION BOX. UNITED STATES ONLY.) The quick-and-dirty:
Dino Drac’s May 2016 Funpack!
The wait is over! The latest Dino Drac Funpack has arrived! (AVAILABLE IN THE UNITED STATES ONLY!) Quick and dirty info: I sell monthly Funpacks. Without them, there’d be no Dino Drac. In trade for your support, you’ll get weird and awesome boxes stuffed with all sorts of retro nonsen
Meet my new cat.
We adopted a new cat. She doesn’t have a name yet, though we’re testing out several. “Storm” is among the contenders, so for the moment, let’s just call her that. Adopting a new cat was not at all on our radar. During a weak moment, I started looking over a list of shelter cats i