Dinosaur Dracula!
  • Dino Drac’s November Funpack is here!

    The November Funpack is always one of my favorites to put together. It’s a chance for me to create a sort of “2nd Thanksgiving” for y’all, where the turkey is replaced with candy and the blessings are replaced with, uh, Phantom of the Opera figures. UNITED STATES ONLY! ONLY AVAILAB

  • WPIX’s SHOCKTOBER Marathon, from 1992!

    I know you’ve heard me sing this song before, but before now, I didn’t have the proper materials to hit the right notes. Indulge me, please. I need to talk about SHOCKTOBER. SHOCKTOBER was an October-long stunt that WPIX ran in the early ‘90s. Every weeknight at 8PM sharp, WPIX broke

  • Dino Drac’s Spooky September Funpack!

    IT IS HERE, guys. Time to unveil the super spooky September Funpack! UNITED STATES ONLY! LIMITED TIME! LIMITED SUPPLY! I’m extremely happy with how this month’s box came out, and I think you will be, too. It’s the Halloween Countdown around these parts, so naturally, the September Fu

  • Dino Drac’s August 2018 Funpack is here!

    I’m finally ready to unveil Dino Drac’s August Funpack! Really digging this one, guys. Took some odd roads to gather the materials for ‘em, and I’m pretty happy with how things turned out. AVAILABLE FOR 3 DAYS! UNITED STATES ONLY! There’s a dash of Halloween in the mix, too, sinc

  • Dino Drac’s July Funpack is here!

    It’s hard to believe, but this month marks the FOURTH anniversary of Dino Drac’s Funpacks. Yes, I’ve been at this for FOUR YEARS. Unreal! When I started this adventure, the goal was to survive one “last” Halloween Countdown, which I absolutely could not do without generating

  • Pizza Hut’s Back to the Future Solar Shades!

    In November of 1989, Pizza Hut began selling funky sunglasses to promote the release of Back to the Future Part II. As a ten-year-old who liked Marty McFly, pizza and funky sunglasses, I was all the hell in on it. They were called SOLAR SHADES, and they were AMAZING. Meant to wink at the f

  • Humdrum Highlights from the Summer of ’93.

    Remember last year when I showed you some pages from my 1992 diary? Well, here’s the 1993 version: That’s the diary, right there. Or “journal,” because diaries were for girls, I guess? I kept this one during the summer of ’93. I was 14, though the book reads like it was writt

  • Forget Captain Planet. Meet Captain POLLUTION!

    Captain Pollution is the best thing that ever came out of the Captain Planet universe. Fight me. There’s my dude. Captain Planet’s evil double, which is pretty much my all-time favorite trope. Powered by pollution and sounding like a dickhead version of Michelangelo, Captain Pollution

  • Dino Drac’s June Funpack is here!

    I wanted this month’s Funpack to reflect Cruel Summer’s dual sunny/spooky theme, and I’m pretty sure I succeeded! UNITED STATES ONLY! AVAILABLE FOR 3 DAYS ONLY! Behold! There are around a dozen items in Dino Drac’s June Funpack, featuring a perfect mix of summertime treats and spoo

  • Something’s Coming.

     Dino Drac’s Cruel Summer begins 6/9. (Nice.) Get excited! I’ll be back with regularly-scheduled stuff next week — but expect some biggies in June!

  • Dino Drac’s May 2018 Funpack is here!

    It’s here, it’s finally here! Dino Drac’s May Funpack is ready to give you a nostalgia rush and a sugar rush. It may also help you accessorize. Get a load of the goodies: AVAILABLE FOR 3 DAYS! UNITED STATES ONLY! There are over a dozen items in this one, running the gamut from hardco

  • Halloween III is a Road Trip Movie.

    We’re long past the point where Halloween III: Season of the Witch needs defending. It’s now celebrated for the same reasons it was once vilified. In summary: It dared to be different. The film plays more like a 1970s sci-fi thriller than a chapter in an ‘80s slasher franchise, and i

  • Dino Drac’s April Funpack is here!

    If I was successful, this month’s Funpack will help you remember the days when you walked into comic shops with crumpled bills and hours to kill. AVAILABLE FOR THREE DAYS! U.S. ONLY! Dino Drac’s April Funpack is here, and it’s seriously one of my favorites. It’s also way, way diffe

  • Tiny Tributes to Minor Monsters, #5!

    Time for the fifth edition of Tiny Tributes to Minor Monsters. I hope you like Chicken McNuggets and demons from Hell. The Grither! Tales from the Darkside (1986) The Grither was perhaps the most memorable monster ever featured on Tales from the Darkside — which is saying plenty when

  • The Ultimate Tribute to WPIX.

    Until 1994, WPIX was a smallish, independent TV station, but one that aired -- in the New York area, at least -- on broadcast television. Even as a kid, I recognized that it wasn’t on the same level as ABC, NBC or CBS. In many ways, it felt like the mom-and-pop version of a TV station.

  • 10 Little Moments from WrestleMania History!

    I love WrestleMania season. Even when the build isn’t so hot — and I don’t know if this year’s has been — it’s just such a great time to be a wrestling fan. The line you hear about this being “our Super Bowl” isn’t bull. …so, as is our annual tradition, me a

  • The 1986 Nash “Nightmare” Skateboard!

    I’m gonna need you to watch a scene from Child’s Play 2. Trust me, okay?  Here we have young Andy Barclay inspecting his new bedroom. His adoptive mother encourages him to play with the assorted toys, and tells him that there are even more in the closet. The scene establishes that t

  • Tiny Tributes to Minor Monsters, #4!

    Get set for the fourth edition of Tiny Tributes to Minor Monsters, featuring everything from a zombie wrestler to the Godzilla version of Satan. Everything you need, really. The Fake Undertaker! WWF SummerSlam (1994) I never love pro-wrestling more than when it’s at its most preposterous

  • Dino Drac’s March Funpack is here!

    If rummaging through old stuff while eating salty chips is your idea of a good time, I have something for YOU! UNITED STATES ONLY! AVAILABLE FOR 3 DAYS! Dino Drac’s March 2018 Funpack is now available, but it will only be around for a couple of days! Usual spiel: Funpack subscriptions ar

  • 6 Fun Facts about Shark Bites Fruit Snacks!

    Today we celebrate Shark Bites fruit snacks. We should be doing that every day, TBH. They’ve gotta be the most famous fruit snacks in history, right? For people in a certain age group, just hearing “Shark Bites” summons all sorts of warm fuzzies. Shark Bites made good days great, and

  • Dino Drac’s February Funpack!

    Fight the February blues with Dino Drac’s latest Funpack, available now for an extremely limited time! WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE FOR 3 DAYS! UNITED STATES ONLY! This month’s box is loaded with over 10 collectibles from the ‘80s, ‘90s and 2000s. I can’t imagine that any Dino Drac rea

  • Ninja Turtles: The Sad Story of Scrag.

    I’ll warn you: This article is such a deep cut that only extreme fans of the original Ninja Turtles cartoon stand any chance of finishing it. The rest of you should just come back tomorrow. So, let’s talk about Scrag. An impossible mix of Duckie and Annie Lennox, Scrag wore a pair of t

  • That one super creepy episode of Sightings.

    Back in October of 1992, SIGHTINGS aired an episode about alien abductions. The shots of space aliens looming outside bedroom windows pretty much ruined my life as a kid, but I loved that episode all the same. Let's revisit it!

  • Tiny Tributes to Minor Monsters, #3!

    In this edition of Tiny Tributes to Minor Monsters, I gush about Karg, Grey Gorillas and even the Fun Fruit Trees. Oh, and Super Shredder too. Can't forget him.

  • Purple Stuff: The Best Super Bowl Commercials!

    I’m not a big football guy — shocker, I know — but I always look forward to the Super Bowl. Hey, it’s an excuse to waste a day eating garbage food while snarking on social media. What’s not to love? Course, I’m really in it for the commercials… which just happ