Dino Drac’s Luxury Apartments!
The time has come!
Dino Drac’s Luxury Apartments
is officially open for business!
Welcome to Dino Drac’s Luxury Apartments! Home to more than sixty bizarre tenants, each with a story to tell! Click any window to see who’s living inside, or start in the main lobby and use the convenient arrows at the bottom to navigate freely!
Who, or WHAT, might you find in here? Everything from giant spiders to mutant cannibals to happy ostriches! Just be warned that this is a compelling but often dangerous place. If you plan to be a voyeur, do so at your own risk!
Need more information? Okay, here’s a FAQ!
So what’s this about, then?
During the last week of April 2013, readers were challenged to construct living quarters (residents and all) for Dino Drac’s Luxury Apartments — a building that magically grew additional floors as more people (or creatures) moved in!
Aside from the few that I added to kick things off, every apartment was COMPLETELY constructed by a different Dino Drac reader. (The photos and stories are all theirs!)
How can I tell who made what?
The creative, psychotic geniuses behind these apartments are each listed at the top of their particular apartment’s page. Please consider dropping comments on their apartment pages if you like what they created! There were no prizes involved with this “contest.” Everyone did it for the pure love of goofy fun!
I submitted an apartment and I think there’s a mistake.
If you catch a mistake, please email me and I’ll fix it. Also, if you submitted an apartment and it’s not here, definitely contact me!
Are you accepting any more submissions?
Not at this time. I think our group projects work better if they’re always changing in style and scope. If you’d like to get in on the next one, keep reading the site – they happen often enough!
Any last words?
Yup. To the people who created these wonderful miniature worlds, THANK YOU. What a blessing you all are. To put so much creativity into something that reaps no tangible rewards makes me think very highly of you. You’ve also helped to build something truly strange and wonderful that should live on for years and years. You’re the best!
Enjoy your tour of Dino Drac’s Luxury Apartments!